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  1. Is this mp3 sourced?
  2. Is this mp3?
  3. Help me admit what I already know to be true
  4. MP3 ?
  5. Normal for a FM broadcast?
  6. frequency analysis
  7. 32kHz DAT
  8. LP4 ?
  9. Question about a Source
  10. Are these lossy?
  11. What can I use to check for MP3 source?
  12. MP3 OR NOT
  13. Analfreq
  14. Probably not lossy but what ?
  15. mp3? minidisc? something else?
  16. spec analysis help
  17. Are these songs are MP3 Sourced?
  18. Spotting Lossy Sources--links inside **2020 UPDATES**
  19. Mp3 or Not???
  20. MP3 Scourced???
  21. Mastered from VHS
  22. Strange (for me) frequency analysis
  23. Line at 15.5 on Spectral View - sourced from ?
  24. Crap
  25. mp3?
  26. Is This Show MP3?
  27. bad source?
  28. Noise reduction
  29. Well.....another is this Mp3?
  30. is this MiniDisc?
  31. Lossy or not?
  32. kinda obvious mp3-sourced file, I think
  33. is this md or ??
  34. ? re: Freq analysis
  35. mp3-sourced or just a low quality recording/transfer?
  36. What is this shows source?
  37. compressed? again..
  38. audition trial run out
  39. Mp3 Minidisc or Neither?
  40. FM or TV Spectrum/Frequency?
  41. lossy-sourced or not?
  42. Is this lossy?
  43. lossy?
  44. Just MD - or MP3 as well?
  45. MD, or MP3?
  46. source question killers 2005-02-25.
  47. Devendra Banhart - Live @ KCRW; Lossy Source? (Freq. screencap inside)
  48. MP3 in lineage?
  49. Is this mp3???
  50. MiniDisc (Atrac) Spectral and Frequency analyses.
  51. Please Help
  52. White Stripes 2002-04-08 DAT AUD ~ question
  53. Live 1993-02-27 MP3 or MD?
  54. Not sure if its lossy...
  55. Confusing LP2 spectrum
  56. Audioslave Montreux 2005 Fm or cableFM?
  57. Radio Two = mp2?
  58. Is this mp3? Lineage says FM
  59. cure1982-06-07.sbd
  60. "[Live] (from MPEG@192kbps)": lossy?
  61. For me this recording is little strange....
  62. Just multi-gen cassette ?
  63. MD? radio/tv?
  64. Not sure if this is lossy or not...
  65. a few new ones...
  66. whoweeds
  67. MD or MP3 ?
  68. Lossy? Strange line/peak at 19Khz
  69. Torrent to MP3 conversion
  70. MMM Records
  71. Lossy or 32Khz DAT
  72. Never done a check for MP3 sourcing before so....?
  73. Need opinions about this one
  74. Consistent with MD source?
  75. lossy, MD, or Hi8 cam audio?
  76. Strange FAs
  77. re: SA/FA Tools
  78. Pure FM ?
  79. Mp3 or noise reduction?
  80. Normal for a master?
  81. FM compression or .mp3 ?
  82. are these shots mp3??
  83. 2 Broadcast sources
  84. Can the ear tell the difference?
  85. Masterport label - lossy ?
  86. Is This Mp3 Sourced ?
  87. opinions...
  88. It's not a radio broadcast, right?
  89. How do you qualify this?
  90. opinions on this one with dreaded 16 khz stripe
  91. Lossy or Lossless
  92. a little help MP3??? c
  93. help?
  94. Is this lossy?
  95. I've never seen this before.....lossy or not?
  96. mm lossy?
  97. confusing one: lossy or lossless?
  98. Windows Media Audio 9.1 Lossless?? Yes or No??
  99. mp3 or not sample included
  100. Lossy or lossless question.....wav > .flac sample included
  101. Small Question about Cool Edit Pro 2
  102. DAT LP or lossy?
  103. unkown source (bootleg) MD possibly?
  104. mp3 sourced? (sample included!)
  105. Death Star Groove AND mp3?
  106. FM>HiFi VCR>VHS>WAV>EAC>FLAC but is it lossy?
  107. Radio spectrum doesn't look right. Soundblaster did this?
  108. Italian bootleg - MD?, with some high noise.
  109. Lossy, but how? TV?
  110. Md source?
  111. SBD? Um.. only if blocky spectrums are included.
  112. So this seems really weird to me. . .
  113. Lossy?
  114. Another one
  115. Fuzzy MD?
  116. two questions regarding transfer of tape(cassette+Hi-8)
  117. Edinburgh 76 - poor audience recording
  118. melt banana lossy?
  119. nirvana lossy?
  120. white stripes lossy?
  121. Chris Duarte 2005-06-20
  122. lossy or high compression MD?
  123. MMW Lossy? And a possible curveball.
  124. Pink Floyd 1974-11-16 d2t11
  125. What is the source ?
  126. 1st show from 85
  127. 2nd Show from 85
  128. lossy?
  129. ehm yes, ...
  130. (upsampled?) FM
  131. The same source ?
  132. Opinions...Lossy?
  133. Weird analysis
  134. Lossy?
  135. Keep or trash?
  136. Is this recording lossy sourced?
  137. Mestizo Mix 1
  138. Audio ripped from video (avi) is lossy, right?
  139. Lossy? (thread nr 243)
  140. wav to cd? cd to wma?
  141. Are these lossy?
  142. Lossy or md?
  143. Help with analysis
  144. lossless/legal lineage?
  145. Some opinions/help, please.
  146. Trade this or not ?
  147. is this mp3, hard to tell****please help***
  148. DAT32 or Mp3?
  149. Webcast Sources Spectral analyses.
  150. Is this lossy?
  151. 1976 live Neil Young - lossless?
  152. Radiohead 2006-05-18 (Dime)
  153. MD Source?
  154. Is it VCD sourced DVD
  155. Several songs for lossy analysis
  156. Anybody tried this -- Sonic Visualiser?
  157. mp3 or MD sourced?
  158. probably good to go....
  159. a little help please
  160. MD or mp3
  161. Is this mp3 or lossy? It's SBD source
  162. lossy yes?
  163. Digitalized cassette, good job?
  164. Are these tracks lossy?
  165. New 2 lossy detection, opinions sought.
  166. Bottle Rockets show: mp3 or not?
  167. How come the right channel is black?
  168. bd2000-03-31
  169. Is this one lossy ??
  170. Lossy Source?
  171. bd1991-02-16 How lossy?
  172. Not allowed?
  173. What do you think about this?
  174. McCartney - Toronto 2002-04-13 Lossy?
  175. lossy source?
  176. Converting a PAL DVD to NTSC-Lossy?
  177. QUEEN LIVE IN BUENOS AIRES 1981-Lossy or lossless?
  178. Mp3 in it?
  179. DAT? MD? or mp3? 16Khz mirror but no blocks.
  180. A lossy source?
  181. ECM-MS907 > Sony MZ-NH900 (SP Mode)
  182. Lossy or not?
  183. MD or MP3
  184. MP3 (Lame 3.92) Spectral and Frequency analyses.
  185. 32khz .wav allowed?
  186. 2 x Dat sources
  187. What is this exactly?
  188. Lossy source confirmation
  189. RT FM - what's the verdict?
  190. Md (hi-sp) or mp3?
  191. Death Groove, but is it lossy??
  192. lossy or something else?
  193. A Suspicious Primus Show
  194. Trouble reading FM broadcast SA
  195. MD or what?
  196. high level mp3??
  197. opinions, please
  198. MD(Hi-SP) or MP3???
  199. weird spectral analysis- 10K-13K completely missing
  200. Lossy or Lossless?
  201. Another strange spectral....
  202. I have no idea so im hoping someone can help
  203. Is this a mini disc recording?
  204. Mp3 or Video source
  205. Guns And Roses
  206. FM via satellite - Lossy?
  207. Lossy or not ?
  208. Noise Reduction or Lossy?
  209. Pretty sure lossy, but more info appreciated
  210. Kum Back Disc 1 opinion needed - Beatles nagra related
  211. Whats up with this Spectral?
  212. The Beatles xxxx-xx-xx Happy Piggie
  213. Are mp3 master recordings allowed @TTD???
  214. SBD or concerts.wolfgangsvault.com mp3? - Duran '84
  215. downlaoded show on TTD which seems 2 be lossy...
  216. Lossy Set in TTD Vine?
  217. Lossy vs Lossless video sourcing on DVD
  218. Lossy Hendrix Hawaii show
  219. question
  220. 16-bit and 24-bit
  221. TOOL SBD - Lossy or not?
  222. 16 KHz stripe in Master Open Reel Recording
  223. Is this lossy sourced?
  224. Definitely Lossy ..... Right?
  225. Lossy Digital-sourced radio sample?
  226. Lossy or Lossless
  227. Opinion needed for confirming lossless or not
  228. System of a Down torrent -- Is this lossy?
  229. serious doubts if are lossy or lossless please help
  230. Lossy or due to mic limitations?
  231. Lossy generation in this lineage ?
  232. Is decompressed AC3 lossy?
  233. Is there a way to determine whether a video is lossy .mpg sourced?
  234. MD?
  235. Lossy or Lossless?!?!?!?!?!!?
  236. Lossy or Lossless?!?!?!?!?!!?
  237. Lossy or Lossless?!?!?!?!?!!? Pt.3
  238. Modern Day FMs
  239. An MD Hi-SP recording?
  240. 48kHz files from an EAC rip?
  241. lossy or lossless
  242. 16 khz Cutoff
  243. lossy or normal for FM?
  244. Lossy or Lossless !?!?!?!?!?!?
  245. Lossy or lossless?
  246. Lossy or Lossless
  247. A few questions regarding possible lossy files
  248. Is this lineage lossy or lossless and can I share it here?
  249. Gnarls Barkley's spectral view
  250. Are these lossy?