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Old 2007-05-28, 05:00 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Um..... no. You'll just have to get Heather to post using your account.

I think this is one of those instances where we'd have to make a call at the time. When I hear that people have uploaded shows here that were just uploaded on another tracker, I try to send a PM to the seeder saying it really is polite to wait until the show has run it's course over on the first tracker. Usually they write back and say they are sorry, but they now understand.

If it were the exact same situation as what happened here, I really don't know. I do know one thing, I would not have gone and posted in the thread on the other site saying that we don't want the recording here at TTD. I think I mentioned earlier that even though I'm not an Admin/Mod on any other site, I am still seen as a spokesperson for TTD and anything I say can be used again the site, so I try very, very, VERY hard to never get into any petty fights on other sites. So, assuming that no one from TTD went over to that other site and said "well fine, we don't want this recording on TTD with that sort of attitude" (or however it was worded) and then the recording showed up over here, I don't think I would pull it, however I do think I would be PMing the seeder and letting them know that we do NOT like site wars and that it is pretty petty to go against the tapers wishes and upload the show over here. I think there would be a lot of PMing going on, basically. And then if he chooses to pull the thread, I would be more than happy to pull it for him/her.

I *think* that the things people were getting a bit perturbed about in this situation is that a) the Admin said he didn't want the show there and would make sure it wouldn't be uploaded there, but then changed his mind and b) it was a Staff member who uploaded the show over there. I can honestly say that I can't see any member of Staff here ever doing something like that. No one on Staff here is the type of person to try to cause such a huge problem like what was caused. Staff here is pretty darned laid back and I just can't see any of them doing that.
that's a very fair approach...I sensed some hypocracy for flaming Zomb for disrespecting the taper when we would potentially do the same here (at a site I respect) and I'm glad you clarified...I did NOT realize that it was an admin who upped it there (though I was aware it was upped in spite) and in knowing this, admin should show a little more maturity if they expect their site (or themselves) to get any respect...I have a different opinion of this knowing that the admin not only didn't actively prevent this over there, but actually caused this...that's a whole other ball of wax, and the staff there should be more considerate and less petty...

I'm sure they could have worked it out with Sebastian if they simply pm'd him and asked that their site (who apparently has a ton of Pumpkins fans) be "approved" to up it for the benefit of many innocent members...I think Sebastian would have been a decent guy and not stood firm on screwing so many innocent folks for the grudge he has with the admin...I don't know him nor am I authorized to speak on his behalf, but he strikes me as a reasonable guy who would have probably dropped the issue having stated his grudge...I think having announced his dislike of the Zomb admin served it's purpose for him to let them know how he felt in a public fashion (even if it was in poor taste) having done that, I believe he'd have let it go...I guess I don't know that, but chances are no one tried to find out either...thanx for your input on the matter Lynne
Old 2007-05-28, 05:02 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

too many hotheads working at Zomb... sorry to say it, but that's the root of it all.
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Originally posted by oxymoron
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Old 2007-05-28, 05:07 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by Phishblowz
I'm sure they could have worked it out with Sebastian if they simply pm'd him and asked that their site (who apparently has a ton of Pumpkins fans) be "approved" to up it for the benefit of many innocent members...I think Sebastian would have been a decent guy and not stood firm on screwing so many innocent folks for the grudge he has with the admin...I don't know him nor am I authorized to speak on his behalf, but he strikes me as a reasonable guy who would have probably dropped the issue having stated his grudge...I think having announced his dislike of the Zomb admin served it's purpose for him to let them know how he felt in a public fashion (even if it was in poor taste) having done that, I believe he'd have let it go...I guess I don't know that, but chances are no one tried to find out either...
I agree.
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
Old 2007-05-28, 05:34 PM
Spring Spring is offline
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by zombfuckingsucks
^ jamessk is on the money. I hope awareness comes to a point where sites that do this cannot ignore people’s concerns simply by condemning those who disagree

An Open Response to Bodhisattva/ZOMB/THEZOMB

If you want to find why people are angry with or have a "vendetta" with Zomb as you call it, it really does not take a great deal of sophisticated probing to determine that people's rational resentment towards Zomb stems from a common root: Zomb's unethical behavior. With this shallow and condescending response, bodhisattva takes a page directly from the George W. school of fallacy by suggesting that those who disagree are guilty of trying to spread hate, as though we are drooling idiots incapable of distinguishing between the act of hate and the act holding people accountable for questionable activities, especially when they are entrusted with considerable sums of money.

Another parallel can be drawn with bodhisattva’s allusion of Tapers as “dictators” which is fairly Orwellian. Think about it:

The Zomb exacts stringent control over the public discourse within its forum to root out dissenters.

The taper produces; only to have his work disfigured and dismantled by the whim of parasites.

The Zomb controls and seeks acquisition; using regulation to ensure its role as a gatekeeper of bootleg access.

The taper does not control or seek power; but modestly requests that his creation be distributed in the manner he finds appropriate.

Who’s the dictator? People should determine for themselves, after all, isn’t it the dictator who relies on vapid labels such as “communists,” “trolls,” “terrorists,” “scum,” to instill what people should think without determining their own rational convictions?

On the subject of respect, I had asked a reasonable question about your definition of “donation” so we could have a common understanding of terms and you responded, "Thats all speculation dumb ass." That’s disrespectful. Raping the Taper's of their resources and disincentivizing them from taping in the future is (for lack of a better phrase) to take a giant shit on the smashing pumpkins trading community at large. That’s disrespectful. We still have not come to terms on the same definition of "donation" but I would surmise that Zomb's definition of "donate" is just as faulty as its definition of "slander" (remember, verbal not written) which Zomb purports that dissenters are guilty of (without citations)

Are questions relating to Zomb’s definition of “donations” disrespectful for the fact that they might shed some light and honestly onto a topic that has been charged with irrational and emotional rhetoric that merely serves to obscure everyone’s understanding?
best post ever.
Old 2007-05-28, 07:24 PM
weedwacker weedwacker is offline
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

I think one key point hasn't been brought up so far. You really should have some sort of a cap on how much any one person can donate. Not like you can't use the money to offset the costs of keeping the community up and running but when you allow large donations they tend to come with assumption they can run your community. I've personally had this problem when I ran irc networks and decided to accept donations to offset operational costs. The cost of the donation in that case is not worth the headache afterwards from the donor and the potential harm it can cause a site from an integrity standpoint.
Old 2007-05-28, 07:27 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by trustthex
/me points and laughs like nelson muntz "Haw-Ha, your staff is a bunch of damn hippies."
I resent that--I'm not a hippie! (just look at my list)
Old 2007-05-28, 08:39 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by AAR.oner
and what about the rest of us staff? what, we're not trustworthy? we're not yer friends also?

just so everyone knows, that Possessed guy is a tosser, and the band sucks too

You'se my favorite Appalachian, hippy black man!

And for the record, I am a tosser. But I have a special sock for that affliction.
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Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I hear the Rape is lovely this time of year.
hey man if nobody else has helped you out, i can continue to ignore you too
Old 2007-05-28, 09:43 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by weedwacker
I think one key point hasn't been brought up so far. You really should have some sort of a cap on how much any one person can donate. Not like you can't use the money to offset the costs of keeping the community up and running but when you allow large donations they tend to come with assumption they can run your community. I've personally had this problem when I ran irc networks and decided to accept donations to offset operational costs. The cost of the donation in that case is not worth the headache afterwards from the donor and the potential harm it can cause a site from an integrity standpoint.
I agree......with money comes power (or more problems than it is worth)........just look at how fucked up our election process is because of "contributions" by special interest groups.
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Old 2007-05-28, 11:18 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by The Govner
I agree......with money comes power (or more problems than it is worth).
Hmmm, we have had some 'bigger than normal' donations here, but I will say that none of those users have ever acted in any way that they expect something special. Never. And, we wouldn't go for it. We don't give special priveliges to donators, we've always said that and have always stood by it.
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Old 2007-05-28, 11:39 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Hmmm, we have had some 'bigger than normal' donations here, but I will say that none of those users have ever acted in any way that they expect something special. Never. And, we wouldn't go for it. We don't give special priveliges to donators, we've always said that and have always stood by it.
Well....that is good to know! I wished it was like that at all torrent sites but as we have found out that is not the case.
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Old 2007-05-28, 11:44 PM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Does this mean I am not allowed to solicit donations for video gear and concert tickets...oh, and plane fair and hotel rooms, and, so that I can record U2 the next time they tour??? Even if I give the people who donate the first dibs on the shows???

Man, you guys are seriously fucking up my buzz.

Originally Posted by pmonk
Might as well start engraving Powderfinger on the trophy.
Old 2007-05-29, 12:40 AM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by The Govner
Well....that is good to know! I wished it was like that at all torrent sites but as we have found out that is not the case.
Trust me, you receive nothing in return for donations here except a hardy thanks. But as I stated before (several times) Lynne is trustworthy. I wouldn't give my hard earned ducats if she weren't.
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Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I hear the Rape is lovely this time of year.
hey man if nobody else has helped you out, i can continue to ignore you too
Old 2007-05-29, 06:49 AM
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AAR.oner AAR.oner is offline
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by possessed

And for the record, I am a tosser. But I have a special sock for that affliction.

i was wonderin why those socks i borrowed were so scratchy on my feet
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Old 2007-05-29, 06:51 AM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by possessed
Trust me, you receive nothing in return for donations here except a hardy thanks. But as I stated before (several times) Lynne is trustworthy. I wouldn't give my hard earned ducats if she weren't.
I wasn't questioning Lynne's integrity!
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Old 2007-05-29, 09:20 AM
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Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Which now Im reminded it's time for my "quarterly donation".Thanks Lynne for all the great work you guys do around here.I know it's not easy and with out you guys "doin what you do best" Id have no collection to speak of.
I say we close this thread.Too damn much whining.If you want to donate to help fund what you enjoy,then please do so.If you dont want too or feel comfortable doing so then dont donate.Its pretty simple.To me anyway.Ill be getting a check out to you guys {I still have yer addy Lynne} this week.THANK YOU for all the hard work.
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