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Old 2006-12-18, 09:14 PM
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Fixing one Channel Audio on DVD??

I was transferring some VHS to DVDs and wasnt aware that one of the audio cables was bad. I transfered most of my tapes and got rid of the originals before I realized what had happened. Is there a way to fix the DVDs now? Perhaps copy the audio file and re author it somehow? suggestions? help?
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Old 2006-12-19, 05:34 AM
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Re: Fixing one Channel Audio on DVD??

you can copy the good channel over to the other, but i'm not a fan of this approach...and unless you we're using an external audio source, honestly, i would re-transfer the tapes from the beginning
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Old 2006-12-29, 01:50 PM
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Re: Fixing one Channel Audio on DVD??

the original VHS tapes were thrown out once I thought the conversion was complete.......DOH! How do I copy the one channel over?
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Old 2006-12-29, 10:19 PM
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Re: Fixing one Channel Audio on DVD??

You'll have to reauthor the disc.

I can't type out the whole process... but you can figure it out.

Get DVD Lab Pro 2.x

Import the entire DVD file set (all the VOBs) and demux to elementary streams.
Take the audio file and open it in Cool Edit Pro / Adobe Audition, etc.

Do not just copy left to right. You'll unsync it if you aren't careful.
Do CTRL-A to select the entire wav for for the whole DVD.
48kHz MONO
go BACK to the file you imported

You'll get two channels and the sync will remain correct.

Save the file.

Go back to DVD Lab Pro and remove the original audio track from the project.
Add the new one and slide it all the way to the left on the time bar with the video stream.

Add menus and chapters, etc, until your heart's content and reauthor the disc.

The only problem you may have is that the audio may be AC3 instead of PCM WAV @ 48kHz - in which case you will need to decode the AC3 file you get when you demux, do the steps above and reencode to AC3 (preferrably with a higher bitrate than the orginal to avoid adding artifacts i.e. - 224k original gets reencoded @ 384k - as long as you have room on the DVD for the extra file size). To decode . encode AC3 files, get
AC3ACM v0.7 by fccHandler - decoder
ACETool - decoder
TMPG with TMPGEnc_Sound_Plug-in_AC-3_v1[1] - encoder.

Hopefully you will not have to deal with AC3.

That is the right way to do it.
You could also just get some RCA Y cables to DUB the DVD off to the recorder by running the channel with audio to both audio inputs on the recorder. That would do it, but i would probably degrade it all a bit from the analog generation.

Good luck.
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