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Old 2005-01-04, 12:14 PM
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Question Seeding/Lineage Questions?

We realize that some of you may have some questions about whether something you have may be seeded here at The Traders' Den. Some of you have PMed a Mod prior to putting your show up on our tracker, which is just fine, but sometimes it is more helpful if everyone can see your lineage questions and learn from the questions/answers here in the forums.

One of the most common questions we get are questions regarding CDR(x) - unknown generation CDRs being seeded. You will probably notice that many of the older shows are seeded from CDR(x) and we are just fine with CDR(x) being in the lineage. That is because it is very difficult for people to know the generation of the CDR from an older show. Also, CDR(x) is perfectly fine if that is the *known* show that is circulating. However, CDR(x) is not acceptable when there is a known generation (say, CDR(M) or CDR(2)) of a show circulating. Also, simply putting down CDR is not acceptable. CDR(x) or CDR(somenumber or M) is what we want to see. It just makes it more clear for people trying to read the lineage of a show.

Also, regarding Silver CDs. If a show is sourced from a Silver CD, then there should not be CDR(anything) added into the lineage unless the pressing of this show was very limited. It should also be noted that many times Silver CDs are just pressings of some known (or unknow) person's recording that may or may not have been done with his permission. Sometimes people here are seeding the actual Masters and these are better than the Silver CDs that were made from their unknown generation copy of their Master.

So, please feel free to post any seeding or lineage questions you may have either in this thread or in a separate thread in this forum and we will do our best to answer your questions.

Thank you
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Old 2005-01-10, 11:56 AM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Good idea Lynne..okay I'll go first this linerage okay?

The Police: Born in the 50's
Paradise Theatre, Boston, MA, USA, 7-Apr-1979 (2nd set)
Format: CD
Length: 76:27
Sound quality: exc from radio b'cast (WBCN Boston), stereo
Label: Great Dane Records
Cat #: GDR CD8917
Year: 1989
Country: Italy
Cover: Black and white, w/ green writing
Disc: Sky blue, w/ black writing
Matrix: GDR CD 8917 PHC

Lineage: My Silver>EAC(secure mode)>SHN(mkw)
This CD contains the complete show; the sound quality is high, as usual with GDR pressings, and was not taken from previous bootlegs, but mastered from a tape.

Known variants: None!

Other bootlegs with the same show: There are, but this is the best in quality and completeness.
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Old 2005-01-10, 12:22 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Cyndi, this actually looks fine. The only thing I might suggest is:

Lineage: radio broadcast > tape(x) > My Silver>EAC(secure mode)> wav >SHN(mkw)

I just added the little bit about it originally being from a broadcast and then put onto tape as was written in the notes.

If possible, you should try to include the EAC log in your torrent folder.

(that quote of Stephen's cracks me up everytime I see it!)
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Old 2005-01-10, 12:55 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Cyndi, this actually looks fine. The only thing I might suggest is:

Lineage: radio broadcast > tape(x) > My Silver>EAC(secure mode)> wav >SHN(mkw)

I just added the little bit about it originally being from a broadcast and then put onto tape as was written in the notes.

If possible, you should try to include the EAC log in your torrent folder.

(that quote of Stephen's cracks me up everytime I see it!)

Perfect Lynne...exactly what I was wanting to know
that tape comment made we wonder if I should change the linerage line. Thanks girlie !!
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Old 2005-01-29, 09:21 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

very nice, thanx for allowing us to ask for help here I had two shows taken donw due to lack of lineage, I missed that although I think I did get everything else right! Anyhow, I have some shows I would love to share but am unsure if their is a lineage or if it's here they go...

JANUARY 13, 1982
no lineage listed at all in info, just flac fingerprints

A Van Halen show has this lineage:
Lineage: SP-CMC-4 cardiod mic>Sp-SPSB-1>SONY D-8 DAT
Recorder>wave (adobe audition)>FLAC

a couple of RUSH shows have this lineage:
Watch Tower silver CD > CDR > EAC > CDWav > SHN (mkW)

one show has this as the lineage:
Remastered from a low generation copy of the original analog audience recording using Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 6.0, Steinberg FreeFilter 1.1

another has:
Aud 1st Gen>cdx>shn

thanx in advance for any help you can give
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Old 2005-01-29, 11:30 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

The Styx show you say has no lineage, but, I want you to know that *every* show has lineage. It may not be what we are looking for, but they all have it.

sbd > ?? > flac (via STG)

It went from soundboard to flac somehow, and so you note it. We would like more info on this site, however, so that really isn't what we want.

But That Is OK!!! Really. We know we are tight here with our Seeding Guidelines. We aren't trying to be some big download site, but rather a site that supplies lineage, and not just any lineage, but we are looking for really great lineage.

Van Halen:
I think that is OK. I'm not familiar with adobe audition, so I'll let a PC Mod answer that.

Silver CD > CDR
Normally not OK. This is very iffy. It's a matter of whether the show is already circulating from the Silver CD generation. We do, however, realize that older shows sometimes aren't circulating from the Silvers. We want you to do some homework and see if there is a better generation of the show already in circulation.

Aud 1st Gen > cdx > shn:
Again, this depends..... if it is a CDR(x), we want to know that there isn't a better, known generation show already circulating. This also depends on the year of the show, so i can't give a real definite answer on this one.

I hope this helps.

Feel free to ask more questions because I may have missed some.
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Old 2005-01-30, 10:55 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

I am fairly new to trading and have acquired a lot of stuff through bittorrent. I am wanting to give back but have never had much to give. Due to the recent boycott of, many users have moved to this site in search of Phish dvds. I have a disc that I got from EZT a while back that has not been seeded on EDJ or this site (I am pretty sure) and I would like to get it back out there. It is a proshot Phish dvd captured from VHS, with a better quality audio sync. Since I got it a while ago, before EZT started banning phish dvds, I am not sure of the lineage and I know you guys are strict. Please let me know if I can seed this. As I said before, I feel obligated to upload something. Here is the text for the show I have so far:

August 29, 1992
Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View, CA

Entire Set Opening for Santana

1. Chalkdust Torture
2. Rift
3. Bouncin Round the Room
4. Maze
5. YEM
6. Rift Promo

Proshot> ?> moderate gen VHS> digital transfer to DVD
FPS 29.970
ASPECT 4:3 704x480
10080 kb/s VBR

SBD> ?> digital transfer to PCM> AC3
AC3 256 CBR
48,000 khz samplerate

Last edited by livedead13; 2005-01-30 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 2005-02-11, 08:46 AM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?


I'm relatively new here. Looks like a great site. Keep it going guys!!!

Anyway, can someone explain to me what AUD stands for or means in the lineage. Sorry this might be stupid but I searched google and wikipedia - they weren't very useful.

Also if you put up a sticky explaining the formats it will be great for newbies like me.

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Old 2005-02-11, 11:21 AM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Originally Posted by asaatvik

I'm relatively new here. Looks like a great site. Keep it going guys!!!

Anyway, can someone explain to me what AUD stands for or means in the lineage. Sorry this might be stupid but I searched google and wikipedia - they weren't very useful.

Also if you put up a sticky explaining the formats it will be great for newbies like me.

AUD is audience.

I was going to say that the formats were all explained in the FAQ, but I don't see them there. Basically:

For audio seeds:
AUD - audience
SBD - soundboard
STU - studio
FM - FM boradcast
MTX - matrix (usually a mix of an audience and a soundboard or ALD)

For DVDs:
AUD - audience
PRO - proshot

You might want to look through our FAQs. Stephen put a lot of time and effort into them and they are pretty thorough. They could also make your head spin if you try to take it all in at one time. But, also feel free to look through our Technobabble Archive where we've saved some threads that we thought were useful. And, feel free to ask any questions here in Technobabble.
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Old 2005-02-19, 11:29 AM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

hey lynne...i have a question for ya...i'm in the midst of transfering some of my old vhs boots to digital--some are masters and some are from ebay (VHSx) years ago that i feel need to be liberated...might possibly seed some of these in the future if anyone wants em [&when i can get back on broadband]...i want to make sure i have all the info correct now while i'm transfering...

here's my set up:

Pro Desk Editor VCR (Panasonic AG-1980P) TO
A/D converter-firewire (Sony DVMC-DA2) TO
G4's Final Cut Pro HD (capture)...
from there i'll put it into DVD Studio Pro for chapters and dvd build...
i'll archive in a VIDEO_TS folder for future seed...

so far i have this as my lineage:

VHS(M/x) > Panasonic AG-1980P > Sony DVMC-DA2 > Final Cut Pro HD [capture] > DVD Studio Pro [chapter build]

what am i missing? i'm sure there's somethin'...

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Old 2005-02-19, 12:13 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

while 80% or more of the torrents I see dont list it I think the device used to transfer from tape deck to pc is crucially important.

a $50 soundblaster with "digital" in does not do the same job as say a dedicated audio card like a za2 or another studio quality card.
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Old 2005-02-19, 12:55 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
AUD is audience.

I was going to say that the formats were all explained in the FAQ, but I don't see them there. Basically:

For audio seeds:
AUD - audience
SBD - soundboard
STU - studio
FM - FM boradcast
MTX - matrix (usually a mix of an audience and a soundboard or ALD)

For DVDs:
AUD - audience
PRO - proshot
My understanding is that a matrix is using SBD and AUD to merge into one sound while a common pratice is to splice SBD and AUD scource to make a show complete so I think COL (Collage) should be added for audience seeds
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Old 2005-02-22, 03:38 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

got a question for the mods. i've just recently converted "the jerry garcia tribute - live in Japan, 1997" direct from the laser disc>dvd. this video was available overseas for purchase, but to my understanding, it was only available on laserdisc. now i know that some bootleggers have transfered this to vhs and have been selling it, but mine was ripped from the ld.

so since, laserdiscs are a thing of the past can i seed my dvd that i converted here??? here's the lineage:

Laser disc> Dvd (DUH! )
dvd authored by me w/ chapters, & menus added.

let me know.......thanks!
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Old 2005-02-22, 03:46 PM
wazoo2u wazoo2u is offline
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

Originally Posted by taperguy27
got a question for the mods. i've just recently converted "the jerry garcia tribute - live in Japan, 1997"
Possible helpful info HERE:
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Old 2005-02-22, 03:52 PM
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Re: Seeding/Lineage Questions?

I'm not familiar with this, but if it was an official release at all, then even though it was only released on laserdisc in Japan, we still can't have it here. (Unfortunately, because it sounds like it would be a great transfer!)

Added: Hey wazoo, I didn't see your post at all, but that the first link that I came up with also.
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The Traders' Den > Where we go to learn ..... > Technobabble

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