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Old 2007-05-03, 05:13 PM
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

I'll preface my statements with I really don't get bent out of shape about ratios.

You clearly don't understand what a community is about (and rasta for that matter.) Do you think people would single you out if you had contributed anything to this site? I don't think so. You have no uploads, no vines started, no b+ps, etc. You are a leech plain and simple (and self-confessed at that.)

There are many leeches here. Your mouth is just a lot bigger than the others. Since you obviously get bent out of shape about who you are, I would recommend contributing in someway other than your rhetoric. Believe me we've heard it before.

Or just sit back and take what you deserve. That's ok too.
68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844
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Old 2007-05-03, 05:51 PM
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

cast your votes!
"dance to Jah music, dance....forget your sorrows and dance...forget your troubles and dance....forget your sickness and dance....forget your weakness and dance..." ~B.Marley

"If your share ratio is less than 1.0, then please offer b&ps and/or freebies to give back to the TTD community" ~Chachi
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Old 2007-05-03, 11:05 PM
ssquirrel ssquirrel is offline
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Oh please, Dudogger. You seem to think it's ok to not upload because it's not convenient for you. Do you think everyone who uploads does it because it's really easy for them? Some of us do it because we feel we have an obligation to share back. If no one went out of their way to upload, you wouldn't have anything to leech off of.

The LEAST you could do thank the people who've uploaded the hundreds of gigs worth of shows that you've downloaded by posting "thanks" but you don't even do that!

As a Mod posted above, what are YOU contributing to this community? You talk a lot about sharing.. so Dudogger.. how you are giving back to the Trader's Den?
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Old 2007-05-04, 07:08 AM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

the point that people don't get is that the more popular the site gets, the more trash we the dead in 89....they lost the privelidge to play some of the more sacred venues because of the lack of respect of the "party crowd" that really couldn't care less about the scene

we let this kind of trash ruin the GD scene and turn it into Deer Creek 95 when will it what point do we put the foot down and stop the disrespectful from destroying what a few good people worked so hard to create

this attitude is driving away the people this site was designed to attract in the first we allow the good ones to slip away because of the rights of those who have no respect

I just think some kind of enforcement is appropriate...maybe just .25 or .50, but something on record to show that there is a limit to the abuse...we require a high standard for our uploads to ensure the best possible torrents, so why not expect the same quality from the members that we expect from the torrents...just my .02, for whatever it's worth
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Old 2007-05-04, 09:06 AM
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Dudogger
1) The arbitrary 1.00 ratio guideline is just that - and one that is not attainable to many users who nonetheless still contribute in a very positive way. Thus TTD's suggestion that those who can't achieve 1.00 should try to B&P, vine, and so on. I imagine that a large number of participants, like me, are doing just that?
It is attainable. Instead of downloading 11 shows at once, you download one, wait until you have uploaded the same amount of data back to other people, then download another show.
You have offered NO vines, b&p's, or freebies here.

Originally Posted by Dudogger
2) Occasionally, one downloads a show that is not worth keeping, burning, or sharing (due to poor quality), and in the user's opinion, shouldn't further pollute the trading pool by way of continued uploading.
With all the appropriate info provided on a torrent, the user makes the decision as to whether a show meets their standard of quality and choose to dl or not, NOT YOU!

Originally Posted by Dudogger
3) Some folks have great upload/download bandwidth. Good for you. mine is limited to about 28K...I’m still only uploading at 28K, so that my rate (speed) of contribution to other downloaders remains exactly the same. upload rate remains the same no matter what combination of torrents I might choose to upload to (today I have 11 active ones).
Refer to prior comment. Instead of downloading 11 shows at once, you download 1, upload the same amount you downloaded of that show, then start another torrent. 28K uploads right at 2 gigs in a 24 hour period. It's not about how fast your connection is, its what you do with it. You download 10 shows at a time, leech & run, thereby in, its 'unattainable' for you to have a 1:1 ratio

Originally Posted by Dudogger
Some folks have great upload/download bandwidth. Some do not, so they acquire what they can, when they can.
There is this thing, its called the United States Postal Service. They sell envelopes & these things called stamps. If you fill out the envelope with an address, put stamps on it, put discs in it, & mail it to someone you've discussed a trade with, they will send you an envelope with stamps and discs in return. This may come as news, but in the time it takes to download a 4 gig show & upload back 4 gigs, someone can burn 10-20 discs and trade them.

Originally Posted by Dudogger
4) If one were to halt downloads in order to increase ratio, that would mean one has temporarily stopped accumulating new material.
Breaking News....the world is coming to an end because Dudogger didn't acquire something new today.

Originally Posted by Dudogger
Still other people (including me) B&P like crazy,
Happy Trading and Happy Sharing
If you only did either of those
Facts are:
Join Date: 12-27-06
Downloaded: 558.74 GB - Uploaded: 117.39 GB (0.21 ratio)
NO vines started by user
NO B&Ps offered by user
NO Torrents uploaded by user
12 out of 24 posts by user are "can i get a reseed" type comments
500+ gigs leeched in less than 4 months with nothing offered in return
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Old 2007-05-04, 11:34 AM
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

As a newbie here I'll put in my .02 cents. I have a .70 ratio. Been here since 4/16. This site has BY FAR been the easiest to get my ratio going upward. The sheer volume and variety of torrents is astounding. I average about 85 kb/s down and about 20-25 up if things are flowing freely. Having a good ratio is important to me and I'm sure I'll be above 1 in the coming months. The reason it is (and should be) important to everyone is that this is a music SHARING site. We, as a community, share. That's what it's all about. It's really quite simple. I understand that some people can't share as much as others. That's fine. Those who just won't share are not people I want to be associated with, in person or by internet. There are a bunch of shows here I want. Once I get a good ratio I'll download one or two a week while downloading a current show to keep the pipes flowing both ways. I could find 10 shows easy to download now. Why be greedy? How much can I listen to anyway? Just a few rambling thoughts.--Kurt

Last edited by k.crabbe; 2007-05-04 at 11:40 AM.
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Old 2007-05-04, 01:41 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

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Old 2007-05-04, 04:35 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Dudogger
I wouldn't expect a conversation on decency and ethics to interest you

but it furthers the cause of banning douchebags like's not even so much the ratio issue (which is an inexcusable disgrace) but the arrogance with which you carry yourself, as though you have a right to be such an ass and we are a bunch of dicks for calling you out on it...what makes you so special??? should we thank you for leeching our shit???

I know some folks out there with poor ratios that make a point to be humble and thank the seeders for every torrent, but to be a worthless leech in our community AND to have such arrogance is offensive, and even if there is no ban for ratios, YOU personally shouldn't be allowed to have membership here, regardless of your ratio, just cause you're a disrespectful little bitch
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Old 2007-05-04, 05:38 PM
ssquirrel ssquirrel is offline
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Dudogger
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Old 2007-05-04, 05:55 PM
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Dudogger
Bad enough that you don't share with the community, but that's your answer when you're confronted with it?

You made a few good points about ratios. I promise that if you offered up some vines or B&Ps, you wouldn't get flamed. My upload speed sucks too. I don't even try to upload, but I give back in other ways.

You would be surprised how it comes back to you. i have done tons of B&Ps and have had people send me things in appreciation, and made lots of good trade buddies.
Originally Posted by reece
You must be one of those conniving jews, or an ebonics talking black. Or, worse yet, a black jew. Only sellin' your crack to other jews. And when you do sell to others, you give a 10 dollar piece for 20 dollars.
The NEW list....

I do B&Ps

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Old 2007-05-04, 07:01 PM
Sami Dunn's Avatar
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Dudogger
What a dick.
I have not offered up any vines,B&Ps,or freebies. I'm ignorant to the whole mailing stuff out thing. I have a good excuse though, I'm a quadriplegic and I mostly don't have someone to handle my mail for me. Every second my computer's online I'm seeding for this community though. I'm also constantly burning shows for family & friends which in turn are copied for their friends and familys. The only thing I don't have an excuse for is my 0.17 post average.
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Old 2007-05-04, 09:21 PM
Phishblowz Phishblowz is offline
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Festafarian
Bad enough that you don't share with the community, but that's your answer when you're confronted with it?

You made a few good points about ratios. I promise that if you offered up some vines or B&Ps, you wouldn't get flamed. My upload speed sucks too. I don't even try to upload, but I give back in other ways.

You would be surprised how it comes back to you. i have done tons of B&Ps and have had people send me things in appreciation, and made lots of good trade buddies.
your upload sucks, and you make up for it other ways...which I know personally (thanx again) and yet you still manage a 1.0 ratio and you "don't even try to upload" so even the best excuse is nothing but a worthless that doesn't mean "1 to 1 or you better run" or anything real hardcore, but there is a limit to what is excusable...and letting people run rampant and take endlessly with no efforts to give back is harmful to the progress of this community...if someone like you cn keep a 1:1 with virtually no effort, than how can someone fall below a .25 and honestly say they respect and appreciate the efforts of the's simply disrespectful and inexcusable...I don't know for sure what ratio should put you in this category of members, but this dude is certainly in that category (more for his attitude than anything else too)

please let your voice be heard in the poll elsewhere in this forum...maybe we can actually DO something instead of just grumbling about it
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Old 2007-05-05, 02:14 AM
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by Dudogger
Some, like me, have a pretty good download speed, but a very restrictive upload cap (mine is limited to about 28K, less than 10% of my maximum download speed).
My download speed is 500 and upload is 50 give or take few bytes. Some how I managed to get my ratio up. And I download from several torrent sites. And I have a 1+ ratio at all of them. Guess your argument is nothing but you trying to explain to the community why you must get but giving is just a nice by-product of you accidently leaving a torrent running longer than it took to download. It's a good think Lynne hasn't made me a MOD. I'd end up pruning losers like you left and right. Be happy Lynne's got a heart the size of Alaska.

My .02 and then some.
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Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I hear the Rape is lovely this time of year.
hey man if nobody else has helped you out, i can continue to ignore you too
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Old 2007-05-05, 06:16 AM
AAR.oner's Avatar
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

do you ever have those moments when you wish this online community could materialize into a real 3dimensional space, lets say the pub maybe...that way all the wankers with their assanine opinions. greedy justifications, and complete lack of respect for the community could be served a healthy dose of some SHUTTHEFUCKUP! pint glass to the head style

[i should probly be de-modded Lynne, maybe take a break from online trading...leechers are beginning to make me violent ]
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Old 2007-05-05, 06:25 AM
possessed's Avatar
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Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

Originally Posted by AAR.oner
do you ever have those moments when you wish this online community could materialize into a real 3dimensional space, lets say the pub maybe...that way all the wankers with their assanine opinions. greedy justifications, and complete lack of respect for the community could be served a healthy dose of some SHUTTHEFUCKUP! pint glass to the head style

[i should probly be de-modded Lynne, maybe take a break from online trading...leechers are beginning to make me violent ]
Some day I'm gonna travel to the mountains of crackalackee and smack you in the mouth. Then, you, me and Heather are gonna laugh for hours on end whilst drinking PBR and jamming to Ska Punk and old school rap. But I digress, you have a point well taken.
1 2010 KBS left!
4 2011 KBS left.
And 6 2009 and 2 2010 Nemesis too.

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I hear the Rape is lovely this time of year.
hey man if nobody else has helped you out, i can continue to ignore you too
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