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Old 2005-02-17, 12:42 PM
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Is it possible

to have a burner that can burn only one kind of media (ex. DVD+r or DVD-r)and also will only playback that same type of media?

I have a DVD+r burner and can playback both. I was trying to arrange a trade with someone who had a DVD-r burner, but wanted only DVD-r media in return.

He said that is the only type he can playback.

Just wondering. Pardon my ignorance
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Old 2005-02-17, 01:27 PM
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Re: Is it possible

Yes, though most burners made right now support both for writing and reading, there are models out there that have all combinations of read/write functionality for + and - R discs. So yes, what he's saying make perfect sense.
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Old 2005-02-17, 01:40 PM
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Re: Is it possible

When I was running OS 10.2 (mac), I could only read DVD-R and only burn DVD-R. Now that I've upgraded to OS 10.3 (same machine, just upgraded OS), I can now read DVD+R and DVD-R, but can still only burn DVD-R.
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Old 2005-02-17, 01:48 PM
willndmb willndmb is offline
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Re: Is it possible

the format he wishes might have to do with the burner OR he could have a player that only plays one format too

and as stated yes burners will sometimes only burn one format
the most common "new" ones are HP, +
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Old 2005-02-19, 06:46 AM
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Re: Is it possible

Recently looked at a $66 Lite-on that burns dual layer,does 16x DVD+,burns 48x CD burns ALL formats,+ - R Rw....everything but toast an English muffin. So with a maximum tech burner relatively cheap,a first generation one format rig is worth what? $15? As to Mac..can you still get them in the jellybean colors? I liked that part
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Old 2005-02-19, 07:02 AM
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Re: Is it possible

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
When I was running OS 10.2 (mac), I could only read DVD-R and only burn DVD-R. Now that I've upgraded to OS 10.3 (same machine, just upgraded OS), I can now read DVD+R and DVD-R, but can still only burn DVD-R.
Is that a limitation of the OS or whatever burner is on the machine? I have a friend who is thinking of putting one of those Lite-ons in a Firewire external linked up to his powerbook- while the built-in burners may be limited in formats,and further by an OS, I'd hope Apple hasn't roadblocked the OS so only certain DVD flavors can be used even on a full feature Firewire/USB2 outboard
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