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Old 2007-03-20, 11:21 PM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Talking firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

hey I know it too me a while to get it all firgured out
and I have a slow DSL connect
but really why are so damn many folks here with blocked ports?

I challenge every one to open their ports!

it not all that hared
some reading and patience
you can do it!

it will help others and help your ratios
as well as just being
darn kind to kind folks
has much detailed info on many routers and OS set ups to configure correctly


to check if it all worked

for a long time I thought my ports wereopen but
they were not entirely open

please folks
open you ports
do some reading and

isn't that what it's all about
and why were are here

~ Archival Audio ~
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Old 2007-03-21, 08:41 AM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!


R U Firewalled?
~ Archival Audio ~
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Old 2007-03-21, 08:23 PM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

no replies?

well then your ports are open of you don't know what I am talkin about
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Old 2007-03-22, 12:37 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

From the torrent stats page:

Total number of Peers (non-firewalled / firewalled): 10,231 / 3,897

So, a little over 1/3 of the peers are firewalled. That really isn't that bad. I think when we started the site, we were closer to 1/2 . Then, one of the Mods recommended I add a FIREWALLED note underneath the user's name in the upper right corner if they are firewalled. Several of those users have come posted in Technobabble for help to get rid of that sign. Don't forget that people who are torrenting from work (where they can get awesome speeds) or from a university, don't have any control over their firewall and thus are stuck with it.
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Old 2007-03-22, 05:38 PM
craigjq craigjq is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
From the torrent stats page:

Total number of Peers (non-firewalled / firewalled): 10,231 / 3,897

So, a little over 1/3 of the peers are firewalled. That really isn't that bad. I think when we started the site, we were closer to 1/2 . Then, one of the Mods recommended I add a FIREWALLED note underneath the user's name in the upper right corner if they are firewalled. Several of those users have come posted in Technobabble for help to get rid of that sign. Don't forget that people who are torrenting from work (where they can get awesome speeds) or from a university, don't have any control over their firewall and thus are stuck with it.

I post about people forwarding their ports on the several sites that I use. The opening of your ports helps everyone and leads to more sharing.

I agree with U2lynne that some people do not have control over it. However, fair too many those who are firewalled do. The people who are at a university probably don't because that is how the networks are set up. I am even suprised their are universities allowing students to use torrent clients with all the suing and fining going on with students downloading music.

However, those doing it from work can contact their IT departments or configure their computer as such that the ports will open on their computer. However, if IT will not will not help, probably should not be doing at work in the first place If that is the case, better to not download from work and slow down everyone else's ratio. It would be better to do it from home or do the old standby of B&P or trading. I would be more then happy to help those who are firewalled on getting shows. I can download them and you can send me discs and I will burn them for you.

I am willing to do anything to get faster speeds and share more music. Nothing gets me more when I download a full show, turn into a seeder, and 50% or more of the leechers of the show are behind a firewall. I try and give back to the community, but cannot do so fully. So, unless you are at school....OPEN THOSE PORTS!!!!!
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Old 2007-03-22, 05:44 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

look, your point is valid, but this site has FAR fewer firewalled members than most I go to. Some sites, my uTorrent client will see 15 leeches and I'm one of two seeds and like 10 of the leeches don't connect to me. The connectivity here isn't prefect, but it's honestly better than most places - which is remarkable, considering the size of the user base.
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Old 2007-03-23, 01:54 AM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

may bet the torrentsI tend to hop on
Thanx for some replies
I wasn't trying to dis anyone
just wish those
folks could un block their ports

as I found it is Waaaay mopre helpful to share
with them open

thanx for the analysis
and input

I really find excellent resposes from everyone here
youhave wonderful responses,and great suggestions
always great!

I have been considering upgrading to a faster connect
to share more
and tobegin the upload process of many of my master recordings....

there is moreprojects for me

thanx everyone!

and my ports are open because of help in technobabble !
~ Archival Audio ~
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Old 2007-03-24, 12:46 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

Originally Posted by ArchivalAudio
I have been considering upgrading to a faster connect
to share moreand tobegin the upload process of many of my master recordings....

might consider a new keyboard, as well... (or maybe purchasing a thumb?)
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Old 2007-03-24, 04:41 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

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Old 2007-03-24, 11:15 PM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

Originally Posted by jameskg
might consider a new keyboard, as well... (or maybe purchasing a thumb?)
my ibook space bar sticks
at home I use
a usb keyboard and have less space bar issues
I am on Vacation visiting my folks in Florida

but thanx for pointing out the obvious

any other insightfulinput?

I see you are NOT firewalled,and have a great ratio
Thank you very much

we are all grateful
~ Archival Audio ~
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Old 2007-04-01, 03:18 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

Good post Archival, it is a point that cannot be repeated enough. Don't let the comedians above bother you, they forget they aren't in The Lounge. I think Lynn's idea of putting up the nasty FIREWALLED sign is a big eye-opener for the lazy. The tracker once got a little confused and put that sign under my name, it was like having a red tarantula tattooed on my face. I quickly took action, made sure I wasn't really firewalled, then stopped and restarted all of my torrents to make the damn thing go away.

Right now dime is listing Firewalled rate: 40%, so it isn't as bad here as it could be.

Universities used to be great, you could even get Internet II speeds, but then the jack-booted Network Nazis stepped in on most campuses. I once personally knew a student who had her network privileges taken away because she downloaded a BT-ed patch from Microsoft! Yes, MS once used BT to distribute an emergency patch, and due to the strict "No BT" policy at this particular University, she was temporarily banned. It took 2 weeks of arguing with the Network Nazis to get her privileges restored. A student without access to the University network resources is seriously screwed, so trying to bypass the firewall just isn't worth the risk for some people.
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Old 2007-04-02, 03:08 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

well, I for one hate the fact that I'm firewalled, I have been to port forward, I've talked to my provider (qwurst) and I still haven't figured out how to get rid of the firewall. If anyone else has more suggestions I'd be mor than willing to try it
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Old 2007-04-02, 04:33 PM
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

KPO, I would start your own thread in Technobabble so it's easier to help you. You should include your Operating System, router brand/model number, bittorrent client, and let us know if you have any anti-virus protection.
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Old 2007-04-03, 02:18 AM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

I just came back from vacation
and started Azureus back up
and it showed I was firewalled
on port 6886
which had been ok
I tried 6887
I'm now on 6889 and it seems to be ok!

I was worried there for a bit
I use a local ISP but mmy connection is also with qw-orst too
I'm on a mac and the portforwarding for the airport extreme base station worked weel for me
also check
that will tell you if you are open

if you are concerend about your speed, or want to try it
go to

damn now it looks like I am blocked again!
more new ports
to open...
~ Archival Audio ~
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Old 2007-04-04, 01:13 AM
ArchivalAudio ArchivalAudio is offline
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Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!

I reset some stuff...
lost all airport connections, yet my daughter was able to connect upstairs
the only way to connect was to plug the ethernet in direct...
then I was yellin and cursi'
and almost gave up on getting my wireless to work
and I looked at some info again
its back

and I am not firewalled


~ Archival Audio ~
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The Traders' Den > Where we go to learn ..... > Site Announcements & Suggestions

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