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Old 2008-01-18, 04:30 PM
Salva Veritate Salva Veritate is offline
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3 questions about VHS > DVD

I'm about to get some really rare shows on VHS, and this is my first trade ever involving anything not on a disc.

1) I'm 90% sure I lack the equipment to record VHS > DVD, but I want to make sure. How do I find out whether my VCR (Samsung DVD-V2500) and computer (Gateway 550GR with XP Pro SP1) can support the transfer? I know my way around most basic video/audio/image editing programs but when it comes to hardware I don't know a 3.2 GHz processor from a Pop-Tart, so a little help would be appreciated.

2) Failing that, I'd try a VHS > miniDV > DVD transfer, having recently gotten equipment for a miniDV > computer transfer. How much quality would be lost here (assuming highest quality settings for the transfer)?

3) Failing THAT, are there any VHS > DVD services that won't arrest you for copyright infringement? I was going to go to Office Depot, but I noticed a big sign that said "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS A FEDERAL CRIME AND WILL BE PROSECUTED" or something. That scared me off, since this is a gray area for a lot of people.
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Old 2008-01-18, 08:47 PM
willndmb willndmb is offline
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Originally Posted by Salva Veritate View Post
I'm about to get some really rare shows on VHS, and this is my first trade ever involving anything not on a disc.

1) I'm 90% sure I lack the equipment to record VHS > DVD, but I want to make sure. How do I find out whether my VCR (Samsung DVD-V2500) and computer (Gateway 550GR with XP Pro SP1) can support the transfer? I know my way around most basic video/audio/image editing programs but when it comes to hardware I don't know a 3.2 GHz processor from a Pop-Tart, so a little help would be appreciated.

2) Failing that, I'd try a VHS > miniDV > DVD transfer, having recently gotten equipment for a miniDV > computer transfer. How much quality would be lost here (assuming highest quality settings for the transfer)?

3) Failing THAT, are there any VHS > DVD services that won't arrest you for copyright infringement? I was going to go to Office Depot, but I noticed a big sign that said "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS A FEDERAL CRIME AND WILL BE PROSECUTED" or something. That scared me off, since this is a gray area for a lot of people.
1 - i don't know of any vcr that will hook directly to your comp
you need some device in the middle like a minidv camera or a dazzle capture device

2 - the minidv camera will work if it allows for analog IN in other words it will let you record the vhs to a minidv tape then the tape to your comp
or some will just let it passthru to the comp and not record to tape at all

2a - its just as good quality as going vcr > dazzle > comp or anything else

3 - i assume its not a concer tape or home movie if you are worried about copyrights, most places are going to ask you to sign off on it and if they feels its copyright material will not sell it to you
you will not go to jail though
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Old 2008-01-18, 11:46 PM
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Originally Posted by Salva Veritate View Post
I'm about to get some really rare shows on VHS, and this is my first trade ever involving anything not on a disc.

1) I'm 90% sure I lack the equipment to record VHS > DVD, but I want to make sure. How do I find out whether my VCR (Samsung DVD-V2500) and computer (Gateway 550GR with XP Pro SP1) can support the transfer? I know my way around most basic video/audio/image editing programs but when it comes to hardware I don't know a 3.2 GHz processor from a Pop-Tart, so a little help would be appreciated.

2) Failing that, I'd try a VHS > miniDV > DVD transfer, having recently gotten equipment for a miniDV > computer transfer. How much quality would be lost here (assuming highest quality settings for the transfer)?

3) Failing THAT, are there any VHS > DVD services that won't arrest you for copyright infringement? I was going to go to Office Depot, but I noticed a big sign that said "COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS A FEDERAL CRIME AND WILL BE PROSECUTED" or something. That scared me off, since this is a gray area for a lot of people.
I take it you don't have a DVD standalone recorder? Or VHS DVD recorder with one touch dubbing?

If you had a DVD disc recorder you could connect your VCR to it and record that way.
I am pretty sure you can copy VHS you own to DVD *legally*, it would just be making a back up copy.

If you made many copies and tried to sell them you would get into trouble.
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Old 2008-01-19, 10:36 AM
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

1) you need an A/D converter to run the VHS analogue signal into, which will then convert the signal to digi and send to the computer [via firewire]...the cheapest A/D box that delivers decent quality results is the Canopus ADVC110

2) although there will be some quality loss with a VHS > miniDV transfer, i would say that there's gonna be more an issue with quality loss using that consumer VHS deck as opposed to a professional SVHS deck

3) there should be no copyright problems with live shows, so i wouldn't worry about that...but i wouldn't expect the greatest results from Office Depot either...look up Video Duplication in your area, there's bound to be a few companies
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Old 2008-01-21, 10:06 PM
Salva Veritate Salva Veritate is offline
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Thanks for the help guys! I looked into VHS > DVD services in my area and they're way too expensive for my high school part time job income. Same deal goes for the capture device; I don't think I'll be doing this often, if ever again (21st Century Digital Boy reporting) so it doesn't make sense for me to do pay $250 for a capture device that will collect dust until I sell it on eBay for $40 3 years from now. So I've decided to try out the VHS > miniDV route (or willndmb's tricky-sounding method). If it gives crappy results I'll just send it to some trading friends of mine to transfer.

Which brings me to my current problem. I've successfully connected my miniDV camcorder to my combination VCR/DVD player, but all I get is the audio from the VHS tape and the video from the DVD in the player (or the default blank screen for the DVD). I've lost my manual for the damn thing and I see only one A/V out on it. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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Old 2008-01-21, 10:25 PM
ixizachtl ixizachtl is offline
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Maybe someone here would be willing to do it for you.
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Old 2008-01-22, 01:09 AM
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Originally Posted by Salva Veritate View Post
Thanks for the help guys! I looked into VHS > DVD services in my area and they're way too expensive for my high school part time job income. Same deal goes for the capture device; I don't think I'll be doing this often, if ever again (21st Century Digital Boy reporting) so it doesn't make sense for me to do pay $250 for a capture device that will collect dust until I sell it on eBay for $40 3 years from now. So I've decided to try out the VHS > miniDV route (or willndmb's tricky-sounding method). If it gives crappy results I'll just send it to some trading friends of mine to transfer.

Which brings me to my current problem. I've successfully connected my miniDV camcorder to my combination VCR/DVD player, but all I get is the audio from the VHS tape and the video from the DVD in the player (or the default blank screen for the DVD). I've lost my manual for the damn thing and I see only one A/V out on it. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Dude, go to Best Buy and get one of the low level Dazzle capture devices. It may not be to the specs of some of the pros here, but for what you want to do it's the easiest $50 solution. It'll even come with it's own limited software. Most likely Pinnacle Studio. Suck ass program but it'll do what you want.

Scroll down. Pinnacle express DV
Or, Dazzle DVC 80

Last edited by E_rock; 2008-01-22 at 01:15 AM.
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Old 2008-01-22, 02:48 PM
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Sure or you go try even cheaper and get these results

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Originally posted by frankenberry
anybody else who decides to call me a fuckhead troll newbie (you know who you are) should be made to listen to phish bootleg taped by a '73 led zeppelin taper
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Old 2008-01-23, 08:40 PM
Salva Veritate Salva Veritate is offline
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

I found out that a friend of a friend got a "Panasonic something or other" VHS to DVD converter, so I'll probably get him to do it.

I think the model is this one: Anyone have any cautions about devices like this?
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Old 2008-01-24, 06:22 AM
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Originally Posted by Salva Veritate View Post
I found out that a friend of a friend got a "Panasonic something or other" VHS to DVD converter, so I'll probably get him to do it.

I think the model is this one: Anyone have any cautions about devices like this?
that should work alright...the only thing i can say is make sure your friend records using XP mode only [which will give you the best quality]...unfortunately, it doesn't looks like it'll record the audio in LPCM, only ac3 - but thats fairly standard for most dvd recorders
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Old 2008-01-24, 07:18 AM
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Re: 3 questions about VHS > DVD

Originally Posted by willndmb View Post
1 - i don't know of any vcr that will hook directly to your comp
I used to hook up my VCR to my computer all the time. S-Video out to S-Video in on my video card. The sound was captured via the Creative Live Drive breakout box. This was a system I used years ago before all the nice capture devices.
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I hear the Rape is lovely this time of year.
hey man if nobody else has helped you out, i can continue to ignore you too
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