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Old 2007-06-23, 02:21 PM
TaterBones TaterBones is offline
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Question about Nero "Test Scores" on Data DVDs

I save my downloads on data DVDs (TY 000T02 - DVD+R 8x white inkjet hub printable). I burn them with the Nero Express 7 Essentials software that came with the Sony external DVD burner (DRX-830U). I burn at 4x with the "Verify data on disc after burning" option selected.

If the "verify data" confirms a successful burn I use the "Test Drive" option to check the disc. On the "Disc Quality" Test (at 2x) the discs typically get a "Quality score" of 95. On the "ScanDisc" test (at 2x) the "Surface scan" gets a 100% and individual file scores range from 95 to 100.

I don't have a clear understanding of PIEs & PIFs but it appears that a file scores 100 if there are no PIFs, 98 if there is 1 PIF and 95 if there are 2 PIFs. Should I reburn any files that score below 100? 98? 95? Any help is appreciated.
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Old 2007-06-25, 06:13 PM
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Re: Question about Nero "Test Scores" on Data DVDs

Originally Posted by TaterBones
Should I reburn any files that score below 100? 98? 95? Any help is appreciated.
Of course not, 95 is very good / excellent result. If you get a PO failure then it's better to reburn.

Standard test should be done at speed 8x, not 2x, and doesn't matter at what speed you burnt a disc.

More you can find here:
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Old 2007-06-26, 03:51 PM
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Re: Question about Nero "Test Scores" on Data DVDs

DVD and CD drives have built in error correction. Becasuse the media is optical, there are ALWAYS errors, that's why we do error testing.

95% is an excelent quality score. Anything with a PIE of under about 30 or 40 max, and a max pif of 2 or 3 is really good. (PIF TOTALS under 100 are STELLAR results, just so long as they don't spike to like, 20 max PIF somewhere.)

My CDFreaks user ID is a secret, so don't askl me! lol It seems like you've already gotten some pretty decent advice reguarding media if you're using TY T02. It's simply the best there is. Burning at such a slow speed may not give the very best results though. T02 can be oversped to 16X in many burners because it's just that good. (Better than any 16X rated media in fact, if you ask me.)

Where disk quality scans are concerned, different writers scan most accurately at different speeds. My Lite-On 1693, for example, scans most accurately at 4X. For many of the newer writers, pawel's right, 8X is best. CDFreaks is a great site. I've been a member there for years.

Most likely, your drive is either some flavor of Lite-On, or there's a possibility it's a Samsung SH-S182D. In either case, it's a very nice drive, and scans should in fact probably be done at 8X.

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Old 2007-06-27, 12:15 AM
TaterBones TaterBones is offline
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Re: Question about Nero "Test Scores" on Data DVDs

Thanks for for the feedback & link. I've done a little grazing at CD Freaks, but I need to do some more in depth reading. I reckon I'm too anal about wanting to make sure I've got quality archive copies before I delete music & videos from my HD.
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Old 2007-06-28, 09:51 AM
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Johnny Thunder Johnny Thunder is offline
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Re: Question about Nero "Test Scores" on Data DVDs

I don't think you're being too anal at all. Everything I burn for archival purposes, I always burn at least two copies of. One copy I keep out as a working copy and when I need to retreive files, I go to that copy. The second copy immediately goes on a spindle that's nothing but long-term archives, and sits on the back of a shelf in a closet in my den which is always cool and dark. If ever one of the working copies fail, I make a new working copy for the archive copy.

If I had more of everything important.. (money and time lol) I'd have at least one more copy of everything to store off-site. (IE a relitive's house), so that if I ever suffered catastrophic loss, such as a fire, I'd still have that offsite stuff.

On an entirely unrelated note, I also recomend that everyone that has a video camera use it to do a complete home invantory every couple years. In the event of a total loss, most people are remembering TONS of stuff long after the claim period has ended. Video is a great way to do a VERY thorough invantory rather quickly. Store that invantory tape off-site, obviously.

Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. -Albert Einstein

A cynic knows the price of everything, and the value of NOTHING. -Oscar Wilde
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