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Old 2006-04-02, 11:20 PM
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Seeding problem

A few days ago I was on and there was a JGB show being offered that I had grabbed from Dime a few days prior. I jumped on to help seed, at the time there were 35 peers & 1 seed. I connected to virtually all of them and everything seemed normal. An hour later I checked in and noticed I was connected to only a couple of peers, while scratching my head I watched all of the connections die and I was unable to seed.

Ever since that day I can only connect to a few peers tops no matter how large the swarm. I can connect to seeders fine when my copy is incomplete but never more than 10 peers, it usually sticks at 2 or 3 peers. I did not change any settings with my client (bit tornado). The same thing happens on every torrent site. My virus scan is clean. I even uninstalled and re-installed my client to no avail. Can anyone help resolve this?? I want to give back... please help.
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Old 2006-04-03, 12:20 AM
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Re: Seeding problem

So, if I'm reading this correctly, when you are seeding a show (no downloading at all, only uploading), you are not connecting to any other seeders at all? I know that on Azureus, there is a setting that you can check to say not to connect you to any other seeders if you are seeding. Could it be that you have a setting like that set? And, really, if you are seeding a show, you don't need to be connected to any other seeders, only the leechers.
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Old 2006-04-03, 02:19 AM
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Re: Seeding problem

Thanks for responding U2Lynne.

When I say "peers" I mean leechers. So my client sees the seeders but not the leechers. I never changed any settings in my client. I even unsintalled and re-installed the client. For example... I downloaded the 12/4/99 KVHW show from this site. I jumped back on after I was finished to help push it along and my client only sees 3 - 6 of the 30+ leechers. This happens with every torrent I complete. When I jump back on I only see a few of the leechers.
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Old 2006-04-03, 11:00 AM
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Re: Seeding problem

Are you firewalled (your port number is in red in the Peers List)? If you are firewalled, then the only peers you can see are those that are *not* firewalled. So, depending on which torrent you jump onto (I've found that some torrents have a lot of firewalled peers, others do not), that may be the reason you aren't seeing many peers. Also, many people will have their clients set to only connect to x many peers total in a swarm. So, if they have already reached that limit, then they won't pick you up to connect with.

This has happened to me on a couple of other sites. I have hopped back on to try to get my ratio up, but there will be lots of seeders and a few peers on the torrent and it may take me an hour or two before I get connected to anyone because they had all reached their 'limit' of connections before I hopped onto the torrent.
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Old 2006-04-04, 05:42 AM
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Re: Seeding problem

I started having the same problem. i posted on another board and it has been reported that a few Cox cable user's have reported the same problem. I just do not understand why it only hppens after you complete the downloading of the the torrent.
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Old 2006-04-04, 08:39 AM
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AAR.oner AAR.oner is offline
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Re: Seeding problem

try changing your ports...i believe Cox is one of the companies that is "blacklisting" ports being used for BT traffic
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Old 2006-04-04, 01:55 PM
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Re: Seeding problem

Originally Posted by AAR.oner
try changing your ports...i believe Cox is one of the companies that is "blacklisting" ports being used for BT traffic
>>> The above may be my problem. I went to and you are required to use different ports there, the problem was not evident with the different ports.

So what is another suitable port range??

Thanks for the help everyone!!
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Old 2006-04-04, 08:25 PM
thisistoto thisistoto is offline
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Re: Seeding problem

any port range is suitable, trying something realy high like 45600
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The Traders' Den > Where we go to learn ..... > Technobabble

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