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Old 2007-01-26, 06:36 PM
chewie420 chewie420 is offline
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md5 / text file database?

i was wondering if anyone else thinks it would be a good idea to have an area here dedicated to cataloging md5s & text files for dvd's in circulation similar to the way etree does with audio? it wouldn't take much room at all to just store those files, which are both really small. i would need way less than the cover section i'm sure (which is equally important!)
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Old 2007-01-27, 01:51 AM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

everything you're asking for is available by using the search function. the dates are all YYYY-MM-DD to facilitate finding what you're looking for faster and the md5/st5/ffp, info and user reviews are available in the respective threads. Is there something you're not able to find using this method?
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Old 2007-01-27, 04:48 PM
chewie420 chewie420 is offline
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Re: md5 / text file database?

yeah, i want to have all those files accesable so when you don't recieve them in a trade or vine, you can get them easily. i want the md5s so i can check and make sure the copy i have is the same as the original, no matter how many hands it's been though. as far as md5's you could just list the fingerprint and people could make their own md5 from it, but at least you'd know you have a good copy. as far as the text file, it's nice to be able to go back and have all the info on hand for making inserts, etc... and also to maintain quality control by keeping track of sources, lineage, etc... similar to etree with cd's. and with that as well, you could have it in html and people could just copy and paste it in a text file, but the actual text files are tiny files to begin with.
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Old 2007-01-27, 05:06 PM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

Don't people post the text file and fingerprints in the thread when they start a vine (like the torrent forums)? If not, you can ask them to attach them as attachments in their first post.
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Old 2007-01-27, 09:24 PM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

Every show thats been seeded here, has a text file & md5 in the first post of the thread, use the search function Five mentioned...we have no interest in being an archive of every show in existence, like etree.
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Old 2007-01-29, 05:56 AM
ChrisJ ChrisJ is offline
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Re: md5 / text file database?

One question, are all the torrents posted to the tracker that are now in the inactive section still there? If not the the search y'all are talking about might not work.

From the seeding guidelines:

6. All seeds must contain a correct md5 checksum of the contents of the VIDEO_TS folder.
We are making an effort to not only increase the overall quality of the trade pool, but also to help create a system by which sources can be tracked and certain versions verified. For this reason, we will archive the .md5 checksum results of just the VIDEO_TS folder so that a future trader can confirm they have the exact version, with errors, that was originally seeded. This is not for verifying a complete download as BitTorrent will inherently perform md5 checking before reporting 100% completion (though it can be used as a double-check) but rather to provide verification options to future traders of material torrented here.

Sounds like this archive is already being made, but if all the inactive ones are still available then a search for the info shouldn't be a problem.

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Old 2007-01-29, 07:50 AM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

Yep, all the shows seeded in the past are in the inactive section
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Old 2007-01-29, 11:08 AM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

As Joe said, all the shows that were seeded here and are no longer on the tracker are now in the Inactive forum. We keep them around so people can find old shows around here and see if the md5s or text files are the same. That is also why we wanted people to put the fingerprints in the thread, not just as an attachment. You can't search attachments here, but you can search thread content.

If you are asking for a text file or md5s of a vine, as I said you can just have them attach them in the thread, but better would be to also post them. That way they are available through searching also.
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Old 2007-02-04, 07:08 PM
chewie420 chewie420 is offline
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Re: md5 / text file database?

now i have a different situation. i got a few good shows in a trade, without md5s or text files, and neither were seeded here. wouldn't it be cool to be able to find those without bugging other people for them?
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Old 2007-02-04, 09:05 PM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

The thing is, if we allowed people to archive text files here, they still would not be searchable. Attachments aren't searchable. I think it would be pretty easy for someone to 'make' a site that allows for the upload of text files and fingerprints and then makes it searchable. I just don't see how we could really do it.

Can you search for fingerprints/checksums on DIME? I know some people post them in the thread. There is also etree which is searchable - also probably for fingerprints/checksums in the thread. However, if you really wanted to have a one place stop for text files/checksums/fingerprints, you could end up with a HUGE database (and huge loads because of searching!).

If someone wanted to tackle the project, I'd be more than willing to help out with coding/database issues. But, I really don't feel up to taking on the actual admining of another site (nor take on server issues for another site!).
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Old 2007-02-04, 09:35 PM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Can you search for fingerprints/checksums on DIME? I know some people post them in the thread. .
No, and unlike us, who archive all shows seeded...when a show goes dead there, its deleted and completely disappears.
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Old 2007-02-04, 09:41 PM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

Really? I never bookmark shows I download cuz I figure I can find them pretty easily, but none are archived? I could swear that I've been able to go see threads from banned or old shows over there (you just need to check the box for dead shows).
Five's Checksums Demystified - everything and anything you want to know about checksums
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Old 2007-02-04, 11:56 PM
chewie420 chewie420 is offline
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Re: md5 / text file database?

here, or not neccessarly here, but if someone were to archive such info, couldn't you just have the fingerprints and text file info on a html page, written out like in a show thread here, and have those pages searchable, like the dvd cover pages? now i see some people starting to get offended or something, for some reason, repeating quotes and such, but this was nothing more than a sugestion from the begining, something to discuss. i think the dvds are worth trying to mantain quality just as much as audio cds. don't you?
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Old 2007-02-05, 04:53 AM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

Yes, the dvds are worth trying to maintain quality just as much as the audio cds. I just don't understand what you're asking for.

lets say you want the archived info of Aerosmith at Woodstock '94

The cover is here:

The fingerprints and text file on a searchable page is here:

This show was seeded in 2004 and is long inactive.

How can we make it better? It is a searchable HTML page already.
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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Old 2007-02-05, 07:03 AM
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Re: md5 / text file database?

chewie420, why won't you just use for your needs? they allow saving text and md5 files!
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