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Old 2008-03-28, 08:52 PM
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paddington paddington is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: UK
Re: Is there anyway to fix my status as firewalled without portforwarding?

no, you need to forward the port you are using (35587) to you machine's ip address ( Start > run > cmd > ipconfig /all ) in your router. Turn off your windows firewall on the connection you are using. will help tremendously.

however - none of that will keep your upload credit from counting. the thing is, one of the torrents you are on only has you and the seeder - no way you can upload because no one needs your data. The seeder can't connect to you since you are firewalled and probably doesn;t know what you need. The other torrent you are on has several seeds, but all three peers are firewalled, so the seeds don't know what you need and the peers can't connect to you for you to upload.

Your ratio is so exact, it's painfully obvious that you are on comcast, the shittiest internet provider out there for BT - they don't let you upload if you aren't actively downloading, so it throws yet another monkey wrench into the problem.

There are some tricks to get around the comcast throttling (they swear they don't do), but forwarding your ports should be the first thing you do since you can actually control that yourself.
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