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Old 2008-02-21, 10:39 AM
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Re: Downloading audio files from Utorrent

Originally Posted by Brian Day View Post
ILOVEMYMARSHALL was kind enough to direct me to this forum as I am new to this process of downloading/uploading shows. I can't seem to get the Utorrent flac files to my SWITCH software to convert to Wav and then burn to disc. Here are the steps I go through to get the shows.I go to traders den utorrent audio archives and transfer the shows to my desktop. Then I open Utorrnet and download the shows to my utorrent "inbox" so to speak. Utorrent shows a bar that reflects the % of the show that has downloaded. It eventually says 100% and I have the show. I then right click and open the show and it usually lists track by track of the torrent. My problem is now how do I get it from Utorrent to my SWITCH software to convert to wav files? Thanks anyone who feels like being a good samaritan todayLook forward to anybody's reply. I have the ZEP show from 12/10/07 reunion and am dying to hear it. THANKS, BD

You need to learn where you are putting your files when you get them with uTorrent. You can right-click the torrent listing in uTorrent and choose "Open Containing Folder" or similar to get to the standard windows folder where you chose to save them.

Once you are in that folder, you can use FLAC Frontend ( to decode the FLACs back to WAV, if you need to.

There are also several burning programs that have plugins to allow you to drag and drop FLACs for burning, without having to decode first.

have fun!
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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