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Old 2011-01-26, 12:00 PM
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paddington paddington is offline
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Re: Why don't you visit the Lounge @ TTD? (public poll)

Originally Posted by bill_kate View Post
Everyone keeps thinking that it is a whole new set of rules that I am suggesting. Only a couple of tweaks to the already existing set of rules and blanket enforcement regardless of who it is breaking them. And to look into the layout of the sub-forums and mod powers within certain areas, as opposed to every mod popping in and enforcing the lounge rules how they interpret them and often different than the actual mod there and also some are regularly breaking them there too.


I think Bullet enforces the rules that are there, but applies them to each case, based on merit, rather than blanket enforcement.

I do think that method works best. Policy is different than straight law and strict enforcement discourages participation in every instance I have seen.

You keep referring to mods that pop in to the lounge and enforce rules in different ways... as far as I know, Bullet does 99.9% of any mod actions in the Lounge. The staff generally does a very good job of staying to our assigned areas when it comes to pressing buttons.

Is this just a perception you have or do you have specific instances where that is happening on a regular basis?
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