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Old 2007-11-17, 07:27 AM
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Re: Gnarls Barkley's spectral view

Originally Posted by xcv111
Oh yeah? How about you fix it? A logarithmic scale? Are you kidding me?
It takes about 5 seconds with the software you are using.
I've just already given you the spectral view and the sound sample as you requested? And now you want some logarithmic scale? What's next?

Ps. Please. Could you hand this thing over to Five. He seems to know some a shit about something.
ok, I've helped you for the last time (at your request). The frequency range of the recording has very little to do with determining lossy compression. It's only used as an initial indicator - and certainly not the low end of the spectrum.

You ASKED about the bottom end of the range, so I told you how to see it. You have the correct tools, just not the correct attitude. Feel free to continue to not know.

You ASKED to post the spectrum so we could give you an opinion about it. The time scale you posted isn't optimal for determining that, so I asked you for a 3 second slice - which you have yet to post.
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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