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Old 2009-01-19, 12:04 AM
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paddington paddington is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: UK
Re: Spectrum analisys as a mastering tool

best way to fix pops is to highlight individual pops and run tegh click-pop eliminator on just taht one... one at a time. The most musical way to "correct" them. For non-pop (noise) peaks, you can just highlight them and 'normalize' to a bit above where the avg level runs. You are now screwing with the dynamics of the music, so don't drop it too much. It still needs to be a peak to keep the musicality of the recording.

What you should NOT do, that most of the boot companies do (and "pros" these days) is 'limit' the audio, then noramlize once the peaks are 'limited' off... nasty nasty nasty.

You gotta do them by hand to make sure you don't make the sound unnatural. Or... you could leave them and normalize to 99%... if they occured naturally in the recording, they are part of the sound... alter too much and the dynamics suffer greatly..

everyone has a volume knob... don't over do it!
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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