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Old 2007-10-07, 04:38 PM
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paddington paddington is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: UK
Re: Smashing my head against the keyboard here! (uploaded torrent)

This usually happens when something gets changed (and I mean ANYTHING at all) after the torrent is hashed by your torrent maker.

This could include the name of the file(s), changing the flac tag, fixing an SBE, etc. And also remember that torrents come in pieces, not files - meaning one PIECE could cause three files to be incomplete if data from those three files was in that one piece.

I'd suggest you try re-hashing the .torrent again, and re-upload and see if the problem goes away. If you'd like one of us to delete the post for you to start over, just hit the "report post" icon at the top-right of the post and someone will be along shortly.

Good luck!
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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