View Full Version : Linux command line tool?

2008-05-05, 03:21 PM
Anyone know a linux command line tool for checking "mpeg probability" like TLH?

I would like to have a script go through my FLAC's (could decode them to wav first if needed) and check them, so the audacity solution doesn't work for me.

2008-05-06, 12:36 PM
TLH uses Audcdtect which is unreliable.

In Audacity be sure to go into the settings and change the maximum for spectral display to 22050Hz first. The new beta supports FLAC.

If you want something like audcdtect for linux, maybe roll dice or flip a coin to decide the mpeg probability!

2008-05-06, 02:25 PM
If you want something like audcdtect for linux, maybe roll dice or flip a coin to decide the mpeg probability!
No need, I found Aucdtect for linux (http://www.true-audio.com/Free_Downloads) actually, so thank you!

It doesn't surprise me that you find it unreliable, but I'm going to go ahead and use it anyway. In my own test it was 100% accurate.