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Old 2007-06-21, 04:59 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Of course its dumb but there ain't anything you can do to stop others from doing it.
Originally Posted by jameskg View Post
I don't think I troll anyone, other than freezer.

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
You wall-eyed apple-knocking pig-fuckers! You don't know shit!
Old 2007-06-21, 05:06 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by freezer
Of course its dumb but there ain't anything you can do to stop others from doing it.
Well, just like the mp3 or lineage concept, if enough people get behind an idea it can become the accepted "rule." We can't stop anyone from spreading mp3's, but we still think it's dumb and don't allow it here.

Now, it could be that most people think it's just fine to put scrolling text at the bottom of the screen. You're right, in that case there's nothing I can do about it. It also didn't cost me anything to voice my opinion.
Old 2007-06-21, 05:55 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by dcbullet
Well, just like the mp3 or lineage concept, if enough people get behind an idea it can become the accepted "rule." We can't stop anyone from spreading mp3's, but we still think it's dumb and don't allow it here.
But we do allow lying about lineage??? -- For some band communities, lying about lineage is the accepted "rule". So what? Doesn't make it right. Yet, most hard core collectors know when the lineage is just too good to be true, so in order to get a certain show, they either do one of these things:
1. ignore the lineage and enjoy the show anyway
2. repeat the bogus lineage - spread it with bad lineage
3. punish themselves and not listen to the show
4. complain, complain, complain

And I suspect that you will not get a ruling at TTD about imbedded graphics/text until it's so widespread that its too late to stop it.

Or you'll just have to be satisfied with less choices, unless you accept the imbedded graphics.

And you are right, it doesn't cost anything to voice my opinion, so Enjoy the whistle.
Originally Posted by jameskg View Post
I don't think I troll anyone, other than freezer.

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
You wall-eyed apple-knocking pig-fuckers! You don't know shit!
Old 2007-06-21, 05:55 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

id like to hear from some who author DVDs..
I have one DVD show - where it flashes on the screen during the show

DO NOT SELL - FREE TRADE ONLY (something like that) and it blinks

and im thinking.. who are you doing this for?? You're preaching to the choir..
and why should it affect all of us ?? that was my honest immediate thoughts.
it didnt ruin my life or anything.. but it was lame imo.

Im sure they may say... cause of those EBAY JERKS !! yeah.. well why should you degrade a show like that ? - get over it.. move on.

why not multitrack your voice onto every audio boot.
you can be like some DJ on the into to all the songs 'thanks for enjoying free trade! - be kind !- be free! Free Trade! " -fuck that.

more 2cents
Old 2007-06-21, 06:03 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

I author DVDs and I think it's lame too.... But IMO it's like has been stated over and over again. You don't have to download it. I don't think it's a widespread phenomenon. In fact I think it's only one person doing it. So it should be easy to choose to not download DVDs from that author if it bothers you. I completely understand why this person does this. I just think it's a little over board IMO. It wouldn't stop me from downloading one of those DVDs though if I wanted it.
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Old 2007-06-21, 06:26 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by direwolf-pgh
why not multitrack your voice onto every audio boot.
you can be like some DJ on the into to all the songs 'thanks for enjoying free trade! - be kind !- be free! Free Trade! " -fuck that.
You know I've got a pretty good voice....
Old 2007-06-21, 06:28 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by freezer
But we do allow lying about lineage???
Because it is impossible for the admin and mods to verify lineage, I think it would be more accurate to say they accept the lineage provided in good faith. They can't police it - totally impossible. The point is that they do require it as an accepted community standard.
Old 2007-06-21, 09:54 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Dire, I got your PM, yeah you misread what I was saying, I was being sarcastic. Ten years ago I used to buy GD, Hendrix, and Clapton boots on cassette at a local record store. It was a great store, too, mostly vinyl. At the time, it was great, I'd get an uncirculated show from 1968 for only $15!! I also got a few Phish, JGB, and GD tapes for free by trade by word of mouth. I had no idea that selling bootlegs was illegal. I probably spent about $130 on boots from this "friendly" aging hippie.

Saltman, it was a moe. DVD, I forget the date, I think from 2003 or 2004. It had lots of effects that were added in post (I think), mostly in the second set. I don't know how to describe them, kind of like shadowing or motion blur or something. I love slideshows that fill in missing gaps in the video, it is the only way to go, IMO, when there are video gaps in a set, cause the audio stays unbroken, and you can still look at something.

Enjoy all that mitochondria-undermining, liver destroying sodium benzoate (a preservative) in Dr. Pepper and most other soft drinks!! It sucks, I guess I'll stick to gatorade or iced tea now.

It never occured to me that a taper would tape for him/herself only and not want to share. In that case, put whatever sounds and effects you want on a show. Bring a tambourine and shake it all night long right next to your mics if you want, that is if the people in your section don't mind it. But if you share it don't expect people to not complain about it. I'm glad most tapers and filmers don't deface, I mean mark, their recordings with an embedded message, it really harshes my mellow. What would you do with a set of music that has segues in between all the songs, with no break in the music? Embed a message during the music? Maybe you should "live and let live" at the very troubling thought that someone might sell or alter your recording that you don't own the copyright to in the first place. Hunt them down on ebay definitely, though, I'm all for that. It is a two way street: don't impose your value system on people who don't agree with embedded scrolls or messages. Also, if you don't want to share your recordings, why are you on TTD in the first place?
Old 2007-06-21, 10:28 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

glad you didnt mind my tangent/words Tubular i can be a little cranky in the AM - comes with age i guess..thanks for understanding
Old 2007-06-21, 10:51 PM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by direwolf-pgh
glad you didnt mind my tangent/words Tubular i can be a little cranky in the AM - comes with age i guess..thanks for understanding
Not a problem, man.
Old 2007-06-22, 03:13 AM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by Tubular
It never occured to me that a taper would tape for him/herself only and not want to share.
That's because you were imposing your values on everyone else. Its a very myopic way to look at the world.

Try walking in someone else's shoes before you decide your motivation should be the one single universal truth for the rest of the world.

Originally Posted by Tubular
But if you share it don't expect people to not complain about it.
Complain all you want, I usually don't give a good goddam about someone whining. Ususally I'll offer some cheese to go with the whine.

Originally Posted by Tubular
....... it really harshes my mellow.

Woah, Dude, the crux of the matter in one phrase. "harsh my mellow." whew....

Yeah, well, my favorite "complaint" was when some "good" downloader complained that when he first heard the whistle on the 2/28/75 Led Zeppelin show he jumped straight up and spilled his lit bong on his sofa and burned a hole in the seat cushion.

Originally Posted by Tubular
Maybe you should "live and let live" at the very troubling thought that someone might sell or alter your recording that you don't own the copyright to in the first place. Hunt them down on ebay definitely, though, I'm all for that.
I don't own the copyrights, never said I did, but neither do I have to give you a copy, right?

Furthermore: regarding E-Bay -- Well, who gives a fuck about E-Bay... I didn't mention 'em. YOU, Tubular, seem to be the one concerned with E-Bay, so you fight 'em. I don't care. (Again it's your value system alone you reflect, not everyone else's, certainly not mine. Fighting E-Bay sellers is like pissing into an electric fan. Futile and potentially messy.)

Originally Posted by Tubular
It is a two way street: don't impose your value system on people who don't agree with embedded scrolls or messages.
A two way street? BULLSHIT....You are making a demand that tapers/filmers obey your value system.

If you don't like it, don't download it.....there's the ONLY two way street in bit-torrent land.

That's pretty simple.

If you don't agree....make your own recordings of the shows you want.

That's the only guarantee that you'll get that the end results you want and you think you deserve.

And if it doesn't come out the way you planned, you'll have only yourself to blame.

Originally Posted by Tubular
Also, if you don't want to share your recordings, why are you on TTD in the first place?

I trade, I don't upload, nor do I download.

This place is called The TRADERS' Den. It's right there, at the top of the page. This is a site for Traders.

And as far as sharing, I share what I want, when I want. I send stuff to the site owner, and some mods here and there and some other trusted friends, and the stuff goes up that way.

That's my privledge and my perpogative as the taper and owner of the master tape I recorded. I don't own the copyrights but I do own the physical media the show is recorded on.

SO If you want something specific from me, offer a trade. If not, you can complain until you die and I don't care.

But, well, lets say we have different points of view, and we'll live and let live.

Still, I suggest you never bother to download any of the recordings I made, as you will not like 'em, and I wouldn't want you to waste your time.

Originally Posted by jameskg View Post
I don't think I troll anyone, other than freezer.

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
You wall-eyed apple-knocking pig-fuckers! You don't know shit!

Last edited by freezer; 2007-06-22 at 03:19 AM. Reason: typo
Old 2007-06-22, 03:48 AM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

I am sick of arguing about this, but, it isn't just my value system, it seems to be the prevailing wisdom among the vast majority of tapers that extraneous sounds and images not be embedded into the recording by the taper/author on purpose. When you blew the whistle at shows (I'm assuming it wasn't added in post-production) didn't it bother those around you? Like, people saying, hey bud, if you think you are so great, start your own band and hold your own concert. Latin jazz music has a whistle in it sometimes. I think it is rude, but that is just my own peculiar value system. And why did you blow the whistle, for what purpose? As a security/identification feature to your recording, or just as a celebration/applause type thing?

Someone burning a couch on accident is funny? Well it might be funny in retrospect, or on a comedy sketch, but not so funny to the guy who now has to turn that cushion over, not to mention get bong water smell out of his couch.
Old 2007-06-22, 05:04 AM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by Tubular
.....Someone burning a couch on accident is funny? Well it might be funny in retrospect, or on a comedy sketch, but not so funny to the guy who now has to turn that cushion over, not to mention get bong water smell out of his couch.
Absolutely hilarious.

Originally Posted by Tubular
....... it seems to be the prevailing wisdom among the vast majority of tapers that extraneous sounds and images not be embedded into the recording by the taper/author on purpose.
Things change, standards change. Check back next year and see if the imbedded text thing catches on.....

Originally Posted by Tubular
When you blew the whistle at shows (I'm assuming it wasn't added in post-production) didn't it bother those around you? Like, people saying, hey bud, if you think you are so great, start your own band and hold your own concert.
It didn't bother anyone at any show where it was used. But later, I used a duck call. Its not as 'frightening' to the chemically-enhanced down-loader....

And if you didn't like the whistle, I am big enough for you to tell me to my face there and then, I won't cry. No one ever did complain at any show, they were too busy enjoying the concert and cheering themselves, bud.

After the fact, well, I just don't give a fuck if anyone doesn't like the way I applauded at a concert.

I bought my ticket -- you didn't. Therefore, you have no right to do anything but complain, but please keep the complaints to yourself, or go make your own recording of that show.....Oh, you can't go to that show, gee that's a shame..........

I offer cheese to the whiners who complain.

Originally Posted by Tubular
And why did you blow the whistle, for what purpose? As a security/identification feature to your recording, or just as a celebration/applause type thing?
None of your business.
All of the above answers.

Maybe I was trying to "harsh someone's mellow" 30 years after the fact..... Maybe not.

But again I suggest that you never download something I recorded.

You already know that those recordings contain sounds of which you won't approve. Like the taper applauding, while holding one arm in the air with microphones.

You now know about 'em. If you do download one, you shouldn't feel the need to complain, because you were advised to beware. You have no right to complain since you already know you won't like it, right?

So either go here and download this:

and........ Enjoy the whistle.

Or don't download it.........Live and let live.
Originally Posted by jameskg View Post
I don't think I troll anyone, other than freezer.

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
You wall-eyed apple-knocking pig-fuckers! You don't know shit!
Old 2007-06-22, 05:52 AM
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Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

If I see something I'm really interested in that you taped, I will download it, not complain, and live with the whistle, but...what if there were two AUD recordings of one show, and yours was the better tape, and someone cut out the whistling portions of your tape and patched with the inferior tape, then seeded to TTD or Dime? Please understand i'm only joking. But maybe I'm not.... Live and let live, right?
Old 2007-06-22, 11:56 AM
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Talking Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by Tubular
If I see something I'm really interested in that you taped, I will download it, not complain, and live with the whistle, but...what if there were two AUD recordings of one show, and yours was the better tape, and someone cut out the whistling portions of your tape and patched with the inferior tape, then seeded to TTD or Dime? Please understand i'm only joking. But maybe I'm not.... Live and let live, right?
What if my aunt had nuts? Well then she'd be my uncle.... Maybe I'm joking....maybe not. But what if?

What if someone patched in three hundred buffalo farts, What if they patched in their kid brother on kazoo....... Personally, I don't care. You'd be a damned fool to think you have any contrtol once it's out there.

So what?

You have to live with that, not me, as I'll still have the master recorrding, right?

You can decide if you want the kazoo version or the buffalo fart version and download accordingly .... or not.

But you changed the topic slightly. We were talking about tapers/filmers marking or "defacing" (as you put it earlier) something they recorded. That's why I suggest that you make sure you personally record/film the shows you "have to have". Make your own masters and you will have only yourself to blame if you don't get the results to match your quality standards.

Case in point: I have yet to hear any alternate audience tape of any show I also taped that was better than mine. I learned how to do it myself and didn't sit and wait for someone else to do it. Nor did I sit and complain afterwards that they didn't give me what I wanted on demand.

SO ... What if the only person I gave a certain show to decided to convert it to mp3 before sharing...

What if I didn't give a good goddam anyway? Why I guess you'd be listening to that show as an mp3 or you'd still be waiting for that alt version to someday surface.....someday....someday.

What if that already happened?

Oh well, its out there and I can't do anything about why try.

Live and Let Live, right?
Originally Posted by jameskg View Post
I don't think I troll anyone, other than freezer.

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
You wall-eyed apple-knocking pig-fuckers! You don't know shit!
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