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Old 2004-12-02, 12:19 AM
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Question How do you organize your music on your comp?

I'm just looking to get some feedback and ideas on how others organize their bootlegs and other tunes on their computer.

I had a pretty good system going, but now that I have started downloading a lot more bootlegs(resulting in multiple file formats: flac,shn,wma) and started playing around with foobar2000 I think I need to get a new system in place .

Just looking for suggestions and ideas, particularly if you use foobar2000.

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Old 2004-12-02, 12:27 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

I just leave them in the folder they were downloaded in if they're lossless shows (I put the folders directly under the My Music directory), and I put my lossy stuff in a folder called "Oggs" (another subdirectory of My Music) and have an individual folder for each lossy album as a subdirectory of the Ogg folder.

My lossless stuff doesn't stay on the hard drive too long though--I've got a mere 20 gigs of hard drive, so it's burn as soon as I get it, almost.
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Old 2004-12-02, 12:51 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

I do the same; I burn them almost immediately onto DVD-R once I have enough shows in a particular category. Those 4 categories are:

1. Led Zep
2. Van Halen
3. Guitar Based
4. Other
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Old 2004-12-02, 12:53 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Mine are:
1. Heroin Induced Englishmen
2. Herion induced Americans
3. Geddy Lee
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Old 2004-12-02, 01:37 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

hey Reflection - where in BC are you?
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Old 2004-12-02, 03:09 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Originally Posted by dorrcoq
hey Reflection - where in BC are you?
Looking for a hook-up on something tasty and green?

Mine - In general I like to use this file and folder format for each artist - "artist name" -> sub folder for each date -> with subfolders for each disc

I use this folder for all incoming downloads
My Music (moved to seperate drive) -> Incoming (sub folder "complete")

Another drive, use this folder for a share folder
Archived Aces. shows that are worth sharing or good to have on hand for trades, but may not be something I listen to alot.

Another 2 drives are set up for incoming vines, both identical

"Archived" - I use this folder for the shows that have been archived but I haven't had a chance to burn an audio copy or listen to them.

"Not Burned" (should change it to Not Archived) then sub folders for each of the vine sites I get vines from; AVZ, Phorum, TDD, TVF, DLT(Dylan Tree) and another for incoming trades, labeled "trades". This helps keep me from seeding a show on a site that I got the show from.

Another drive I have set up as my jukebox.

One folder "JukeBox"

And finally another drive set up as a work table. This is where all the audio CD-R's are ripped to and stored. Also were I will paste a show from an archived disc when I have to burn a copy for a trade. Basically a rotating array of music.

It may seem a bit mangled but it works. So there.
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Old 2004-12-02, 05:03 AM
thisistoto thisistoto is offline
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

I have a 200 gig hard drive that hold all my lossless before I burn it to DVD, it usually gets backed up to about 120 gigs before I end up actually burning it.

It also has a folder for my iPod music.
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Old 2004-12-02, 09:26 AM
dacrawdaddy dacrawdaddy is offline
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Here's a printup of my C:\MUSIC\Crosby, Stills, Nash + Young\ folder on my hard drive. (Look below.) (I used a free, small program called 'PrintFolders 1.5' to create a TXT document containing the folders' names & contents down to 3 levels.)

You can see that the folder names below can keep a lot of useful info handy, just by visiting each band's folder. Inside of the dated folders is where I download new shows. This is illustrated by the show's actual folder name at the end of each line below. On the dated folders, I use some extra labels, such as 'VID' or 'Interview' or 'Comp' to help me keep track of what's in those folders. And finally, when I burn a show to disc, I label the folder 'Archived'. Then I may convert the show from FLAC or SHN to MP3, WAV or APE or something for personal listening use ... and leave the smaller files on my hard drive.


\[1969-08-18] (CSNY) {WOODSTOCK, BETHEL, NY} (VID)\csny1969-08-18.vcd.mpgf\
\[1969-08-26] (CSNY) {GREEK THEATER, LOS ANGELES, CA}\csny1969-08-26.flac16\
\[1969-09-13] (CSNY) {BIG SUR FOLK FEST, MONTEREY, CA}\csny1969-09-13.flac16\
\[1969-12-14] (CSNY) {MASONIC TEMPLE, DETROIT, MI} (COMP) (ARCHIVED)\csny1969-12-14.flac16\
\[1970-06-03] (CSNY) {LAKEHURST, NJ} (ARCHIVED)\csny1970-06-03.shnf\
\[1970-06-04] (CSNY) {FILLMORE EAST, NYC} (ARCHIVED)\csny1970-06-04.shnf\
\[1970-06-05] (CSNY) {FILLMORE EAST, NYC} (ARCHIVED)\csny1970-06-05.shnf\
\[1970-06-06] (CSNY) {FILLMORE EAST, NYC} (ARCHIVED)\csny1970-06-06.shnf\
\[1970-11-09] (CN) {BBC, UK ARENA} (VID)\crosbynash1970-11-09.mpgf\
\[1971-10-04] (CN + SY) {CARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK, NY} (ARCHIVED)\Crosby+Nash_1971-10-04.flac16\
\[1973-07-10] (CSNY) {WINTERLAND ARENA, SAN FRANCISCO, CA} (ARCHIVED)\csny1973-07-10.shnf\
\[1976-07-07] (SY) {CIVIC CENTER, PROVIDENCE, RI} (ARCHIVED)\stills-ny1976-07-07.ape399f\
\[1982-11-28] (CSN) {UNIVERSAL AMPHITHEATER, LOS ANGELES, CA} (ARCHIVED)\csn1982-11-28.shnf\
\[2002-07-24] (N) {XM STUDIOS} (INTERVIEW)\grahamnashatxm2002.shnf\

It's a lot of archiving, but I want to keep track of what I have. For the basic info, it saves some time since I don't have to open the TXT files to look at each show.
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Old 2004-12-02, 09:39 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

I try to get the music off my drive as fast as possible, it's a battle! I'll rip a legit cd or two to listen to so I don't have to watch my cpu spike from the disc drive running. And I'll keep a couple ogg and mp3 files around, less than 25, mainly local music mailed to me or downloaded from band websites.
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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Old 2004-12-02, 10:07 AM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Originally Posted by Reflection
I'm just looking to get some feedback and ideas on how others organize their bootlegs and other tunes on their computer.

I had a pretty good system going, but now that I have started downloading a lot more bootlegs(resulting in multiple file formats: flac,shn,wma) and started playing around with foobar2000 I think I need to get a new system in place .

Just looking for suggestions and ideas, particularly if you use foobar2000.
First, once I am done seeding a show, I meta-tag the files with foobar2000 and put them into a "to listen" folder. This is a revolving collection of unchecked shows that range from 5GB to 40 or 50GB, depending on how much downloading I've done. Most of the times, the FLACs from here get put right onto my Rio Karma for listening in the car or at work.

Once it's listened to, if it's a really nice one that I'll want to listen to regularly, I use foobar2000 to compress it to OGG and keep it on a media only hard drive. I then backup the original files to DVD for trading and clear them from the hard drive.

Since the files have all been properly tagged, it doesn't even matter how they are arranged on the hard drive. I just use the foobar2000 (are you starting to see that I use this software a LOT ) album list to browse.

Now, for the fun part....every file gets an %artist% tag, which is the main artist for the album. But it also gets something I've called %albumartist% where I put in every artist I want the album to show up under in the Album List. So now, when I go to John Coltrane, I get both the albums released under his name, but also the ones where he's a backup man for Monk or Miles. Similarly, dual-artist albums (common in jazz) will show up under both.

I use a custom sorting script for the foobar2000 album list window that arranges things, primarily by albumartist. I also have a few other lists for organizing by genre, date, and a few other things. I also include a tag for designating "bootleg" or "official" so I can easily turn off viewing one or the other with different viewing scripts.

As long as your files are tagged nicely, you can write scripts for sorting anyway you want....and easily switch between one view and another. PM me if you want some help getting this's simply the best way to organize huge collections (I've got about 600-700 albums on my hard drive right now).
Through the clouds,
Throught the lies,
We'll never see,
What's never been,
At the ending of life and the coming of death,
Pass not through its gates but into the dark.
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Old 2004-12-02, 01:04 PM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Thanks guys(and gals?), I think I've got some ideas now

Things should be easier once I pick up a new 200gig drive.
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Old 2004-12-02, 01:23 PM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Originally Posted by RainDawg
First, once I am done seeding a show, I meta-tag the files with foobar2000 and put them into a "to listen" folder.
Oh... wait... you listen to the shows? That's a step I need to make time for.

Are the metadata scripts easy to set up? Mind posting a sample? I've not tried to do all that, and doubt that I will since I don't have the time to simply archive and listen to what I've already got, and it just keeps coming in...

Where do you find the time...????

Can I hire you?



I organize by making folders for each artist, then putting shows in those and renaming them so they are uniform and arranged by date. Like the etree naming method.

Then for archiving, for favorite artists I'll keep the DVD archives as a full DVD for each of them. For less favorites I'll mix it up but still keep the A's together, B's together etc... And when I archive I copy the txt files to the root of the DVD and add at the end of the names the format and size (pjharvey1998-06-02--flac--635mb.txt) so I have a list of the folders and txt files visible when I pop the DVD in. Then after I've burned, verified and deleted the mdeia, I copy that DVD folder (PJ Harvey-1) with just the txt files into the orignal artist folder and a folder I have on another drive called "Archived". That way when I add shows to my list I have the that info handy and if it's not listed yet and I want to BT/vine it I can see immediately the sizes without going to my list, which is never up to date anyway.

Oh and for video DVDs I now use RecordNow! to burn so that I can put the txt file and artwork outside the VIDEO_TS folder and have it handy. Heard about that trick here in the technobabble section from h_vargas. I also have a "Video" folder in my "Archives" folder and put the txt/artwork in there. Come to think of it I should go ahead and put it in the indiv. artists folders too.
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Old 2004-12-02, 01:31 PM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Originally Posted by RainDawg
Once it's listened to, if it's a really nice one that I'll want to listen to regularly, I use foobar2000 to compress it to OGG and keep it on a media only hard drive.
This confuses me... then what is the point of getting a high quality show in lossless if you are going to listen to it compressed? Why not listen to the lossless files?
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Old 2004-12-02, 01:44 PM
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

200 GB HD
>boots (all lossless)
>MP3 Boots
>Music Vid
>Concert Vid

i archive all lossless to dvd, rip my favorites to mp3, but here lately i have not been able to keep up...only about 10G left...
Tradelist (not updated, 100+ shows to add)

Drivin' in my car, Livin' like a star,
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Old 2004-12-02, 02:05 PM
thisistoto thisistoto is offline
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Re: How do you organize your music on your comp?

Originally Posted by Five
I try to get the music off my drive as fast as possible, it's a battle!

It really is isn't it?
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