Thread: Firewalled...
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Old 2011-06-20, 07:15 PM
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P A U L P A U L is offline
old washed up musician
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Los Angeles, CA USA
Re: Firewalled...

In windows firewall you still might want to put a pinhole like you did on your router page...

If you read a port # on the site here make a rule in firewall to always allow that port to be open. It should be the same one that you did the same for on your router page...

In windows 7 you do it like this:

older versions should be similar. Just google "open port in firewall win ___" add your version in the blank spot...

Make sure that # is assigned in utorrent so that everything is on the same page as far as opening & transmitting through the same pinhole...

I've seen other threads here though that the site might give false positives for firewalling. If you are sure that you have the # assigned & all ports configured right then maybe you're getting a false positive...
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