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Old 2006-05-24, 11:36 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Passkey Tracker coming on Wednesday....

Originally Posted by onemysticlove
Kudos to Lynne and the rest of the staff! Undergoing such a dramatic change isn't easy for any kind of staff. As members, we are lucky to have staff blessed with the foresight to make a change for the better. My most recent error in my 4.4.1 BitTorrent for Mac client reads as follows:

Critical: Aborting the torrent as it was rejected by the tracker while not connected to any peers. Message from the tracker: info_hash error : torrent not registered with this tracker

I'm working on the Project Midnight Sunrise torrent:

Before everything went down today, I had downloaded 15 Gigs out of the 25.6. This evening, I used Azureus, but two thjngs occurred I was not happy with: 1) Azureus only reported me as having downloaded 9 Gigs, and 2) I was reported as firewalled and unbelievably slow, when, on average, I hit 200 Kbs. I have downloaded numerous new torrents, and even for BitTorrent, it says I have only downloaded 13 Gigs instead of my 15. I just thought I'd post my most recent development. I'm being patient, because deep down inside, I know that this change will ensure my receiving the Project Midnight Sunrise, a torrent I want so bad, that I haven't downloaded any thing but the Project for close to a week now.

Thankyou Staff for being great and working on this problem so acutely,

We will be happy to credit you will your missed stats, just write to the Contact Us link on the bottom of the page (but, don't expect a real quick answer since it is usually me who answers and I'm busy with this tracker right now). You will have slower downloading right now because there aren't as many peers (not everyone has realized they need to switch over to the personalized torrent yet).
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