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Old 2005-03-07, 10:24 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: a cold place
Re: What is the main class??/

Your download rate depends on so many things - number of seeds, how much they are uploading, number of leechers, how much they are sharing, your ISP, whether you have forwarded your ports, whether they have forwarded their ports, whether you are downloading other shows at the same time, etc. I can't tell you if that is a good speed for that show.

I would strongly recommend: making this the only torrent you are downloading, making sure your ports are forwarded (you aren't firewalled), and making sure you have your upload capped at about 85% or the max when you aren't surfing the web and you are downloading (not just seeding).

Try that and see how things go.
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