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Old 2006-05-06, 10:07 PM
cdrtrade cdrtrade is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Re: How do I change file location of a torrent??

Yea, this is getting wackier as we go along. I've redownloaded a few of the Faces torrents. There's one from 3/10/70 that I can't activate after I download it. I do an open and it just won't go into the gui. There are 2 other faces torrent files from 1970 that I redownloaded and they hit the gui, I changed the location, did a download, and it found the new location of the file. The one from 3/10 just won't open. I've tried deleting the torrent and grabbing it again but it still won't open. I've had enough for tonight. I'll reboot my pc tomorrow and try grabbing that file again. Maybe I'll just start using utorrent instead. But, what will that do to my active downloads? Can I just switch over to utorrent and will that continue the downloads from where they left off? Maybe I should let all the old downloads complete on my current interface before I start using utorrent, or maybe run both at the same time and start new ones on utorrent and let the old ones complete on bittorrent..

Anyway, enough's enough.
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