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Old 2007-10-05, 10:39 PM
madhouse73 madhouse73 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Unhappy my traders little helper is broken??


I got this message while trying to check sector boundaries (which took forever) can anyine explain this to me please?!?!? how do i fix it?
Preview of changes:
3 [main] shntool 2816 C:\WINDOWS\shntool.exe: *** fatal error - C:\WINDOWS\shntool.exe: *** fork: can't reserve memory for stack 0x23A120 - 0x240000, Win32 error 487
3 [main] shntool 2172 C:\WINDOWS\shntool.exe: *** fatal error - C:\WINDOWS\shntool.exe: *** fork: can't reserve memory for stack 0x23A120 - 0x240000, Win32 error 487
12 [main] shntool 2824 child_info::sync: wait failed, pid 2172, Win32 error 0
11630 [main] shntool 2824 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 8, exit code 0x1000000, errno 11
shntool: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Error: error while forking child process, see above.
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