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Old 2005-03-04, 01:11 AM
Re: Shntool frontend

Originally Posted by uhclem
If you have to ask this then you don't really know how to use shntool to begin with. You sound like one of those people who just runs shntool over every file in the directory all at once, w/o any consideration for set breaks or other interruptions between tracks which render track shifts unnecessary and even undesirable.

And BatchEnc is far more useful than quoting my entire original post.
No, I actually do know how to use it. I had trouble at one time getting it to open ape files, and I wrote Jason, the author, and he gave me upload to his site. It ended up being a bug with win98 and win2k, which is now fixed.
You just seem to like to push frontends like multi frontend, saying mkwACT is outdated. It may be, but it is one of the most simple tools to use. Maybe you just like to impress ppl with your frontends you find, but you tend to try and sway ppl to your views.
My point was only, unless it has the -fix,-pad,-conv,-md5,-strip, etc built in, whats the point.
Using shntool I can do most everything I need to do, without opening another appl.
BTW, Jason is a really nice guy, he replied to me witnin about 4 hours of my writing, he had already at that point tested some ape files and they opened ok for him, thats why he wanted me to upload to him.
I just think that the ppl that make these tools, that work btw, deserve credit, and just because someone happens to want to try and improve it, which in most cases that I've seen, doesn't happen, is wrong to try and sway ppl to them. If Jason had not written shntool, I'd bet that frontend would not have even been thought of.
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