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Old 2006-07-01, 03:47 AM
PBrane PBrane is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Netherlands
Re: how about a list list? some sort of database?

What I'm missing (perhaps I haven't found it), is some way to check if a show that you want to seed has been seeded in the last few months by someone else. I'm essentialy seeding shows I got from Share The Groove 2-3 years ago. There are a lot of copies of these shows out there and I only came to the Den a few weeks ago. I don't want to waste my ( and everyone else's) time and bandwidth by seeding shows that were shared a few months ago. I do a search on the active torrents, but that's all I can do as far as I can see. A list by band of seeded shows, would be great and would that really be so difficult to create, given the need to supply this data at the moment a show is uploaded.

If there is a simple way to check I'm not seeding recently seeded stuff, please let me know.
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