Thread: SBE in FLAC
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Old 2005-12-08, 08:20 AM
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Marmar Marmar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: In a soundproofed room....

Being an audio engineer I can say this....

1) CD wav will split tall tracks on a sector boundary EXCEPT the final track. This is due to the ending of the large wav file not being an exact length to avoid having a SBE for the end....

Having a SBE at the end of a file is NOT the end of the world.....since there are no tracks after the final track (unless it's disc 1 or 2 of a 3 disc set....) the SBE will do no damage.

The big thing is to use shntool on the large file and pad the end of it if it isn't an even multiple of secotrs.....

shntool join -o wav -postpad

This will end all your secotr boundary issues.....

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