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Old 2013-10-14, 04:47 PM
Re: What's with Hungercity again?

At HC, earlier this afternoon, I tried to follow the link in the FAQ which should have led me to the page where I could delete my HC account, but it was either disabled or has never been active. I changed my password to something insane that I will never be able to remember, but I know that, if I ever grew perversely curious about the goings-on in that pit of inequity I could also use my email to get a new password. Setting up a dummy email for the sole purpose of changing my HC email to the dummy email before deleting the dummy email seemed like an awful lot of work. Hence, this question:

Does anyone here among the [former] HC staff have the power to delete my account on the tracker?

I did the same with my account on the forum (I don't need that account deleted; Shareef will do that eventually, once he reads my posts). Since those HC accounts are dead to me, if anyone has a mind to send me a PM, you should do it at one of the three sites at which I'm most active, since I don't want to log into either HC site to retrieve PMs.

It's time to flush HC out of my system like the giant turd that it is, and it's time concentrate being a better member of the trackers that do good by their users.

Finally, I want to extend an enormous and heart-felt thank you to the great staff here at The Traders' Den, who gave many of us a place to excise our catharsis and regroup when we needed a safe place. You rule.


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