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Old 2006-06-13, 05:54 PM
Re: BAD trader, Liar= Ragu420 Ragu421 whatever

Originally Posted by calvin1663
at your first point: leechers are no good. as a GENERAL RULE, people with lower share ratios tend to be the ones taking from the community without giving back as much (if you're going to leech a torrent, make sure you can seed at least 1:1), hence, someone with a lower ratio would tend to be someone who would not give back as much, thereby making it more likely they'd rip someone off
Oh bullshit, you cannot deduct at all that anyone who leeches is going to be a bad snailmail trader. You're making invalid assumptions, do you have proof of this theory? A lot of people will also take advantage of that lack of rule, but it does not insinuate that that person is a thief or has any intention of being a thief. You're lobbing everyone who has a bad ratio without taking into account more likely things, that they are technologically not able to, etc. Prick.

This site does not enforce ratios, it states in the rules if you cant seed, give back another way, a LOT of people do that. Secondly, you're neither a mod nor an admin on here and every thread I see you posting in you're a fucking nazi about ratios.

If I dont like your points (which I dont) I will say so and if you dont like it, I really couldnt care less.

In woody's defense, if I am ripped off, Im going to get angry too, ESPECIALLY after (if hes telling the truth) what hes been through with this deal.

Way to look at both sides of the coin.
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