Thread: Firewalled?
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Old 2006-02-24, 09:13 PM
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Re: Firewalled?

Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I really want to figure this out, it's just real hard for me since I don't experience these problems. If things change at all for you, or you notice anything that might help me track this down, PLEASE post about it.

I've been going over our tracker code as it exists today versus a week ago (for STL who said things changed for him a week ago) and versus last July when we first changed over to this tracker. I'm just not seeing anything that really stands out to me that would cause these problems. I also took a look at the announce code from two other trackers and they figure out the red/black code in the same way that this tracker does and so I can't figure out why ours is 'red' and other sites are 'black'. I'm going to see if I can track down DIME's code and compare that also.
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