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Old 2005-06-11, 11:33 PM
Re: Slow Downloads....

Dang, all yall really know about computers..... its all Greek to me.... as long as I can use a computer, recieve the benefits of using it, and be able to avoid problems, I am just fine..... lol.... but I guess to do that I have to learn Greek, right!... well here we go

Ted- again, thanks for using your knowledge of computers to help me with my problem here.... well, first off I need to say that I am only 16 and all the network hardware was bought and set up by my dad, so I don't know alot about how the system works or even what the model is. I just wanted to make that known so you could understand my position a little more.

I will look at the modem in the morning and tell you the name/model, because at this time it is pretty late at night here and the router (or modem, are they the same thing?) is in my parents room. (I definitely don't wanna go in there, cause God knows what could be goin on right now.... scary thoughts..... )
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