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Old 2005-06-11, 09:28 PM
Re: Slow Downloads....

I think you are confusing UPnP operating at the hardware level versus UPnP operating at the OS level. Gibson believes that leaving it running at the OS level, i.e. as a WinXP service, as a default is a security risk. He's not the only one who thinks that. If you check his website you will see that he is not opposed to UPnP, just to having it turned on as a default at the OS level. He clearly states that people will want to turn UPnP on if they have a need for it. The view seems to be that the OS has no need to handle UPnP issues, which should be left up to the hardware that is using it, i.e. your router. Leave it to M$, of course, to write a program that requires UPnP at the OS level.

But I am talking about using it at the hardware level. In order to run UPnP via Azureus you just need a UPnP compliant router. You then turn on the Azureus UPnP feature and it will make use of your router's UPnP feature to dynamically open a port. This is more secure because the port is only open when Azureus is running, and only for Azureus. I use Azureus this way and I have the UPnP WinXP service turned off.

mike: You need to determine whether your belkin router has UPnP capability. Check the manual, the belkin website or your router's setup and see if UPnP capability exists. If it does, I might be able to help you set it up for Azureus.

Last edited by uhclem; 2005-06-11 at 09:34 PM.
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