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Old 2009-08-20, 05:29 AM
Sedric Sedric is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
For Audio Cassettes does Selecting wrong type I II IV ruin tape?

Hi there, this is a question probably easy for some of you:

if I select type 2 and 70 micro-s on my deck when the tape is actually type 1 and 120 micro-s, does this ruin the tape?

I'm concerned because I want to know that the tape is still fine.


Secondly the reason why I ask if it "ruins" the tape is because when I did the first transfer from the deck to the computer, everything sounded good.

Then I decided to raise the volume and forgot to switch it back to type1/120. After playing the tape into the computer for a while, I realize at some point the tape sounded "squeaky" "muddied" "distorted."

To check if it was the tape deck (Nakamichi BX-300) or the tape, I put the tape into my walkman and it sounded fine. So it's probably not the tape that's ruined but something funny about the Nakamichi at some point in the tape.

Your thoughts? Thank you very much.
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