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Old 2005-08-19, 12:05 AM
Capturing Video from VHS > DVD

This is a newbie question...
I (well my mate) has come into a load of vhs (master) videos from a friend and was looking to convert them to dvd. What is the best way to convert vhs to dvd while maintaining the highest fidelity and quality?
Also, what would the source lineage for a vhs master to dvd conversion look like?

vhs (type of camera)>(input cable to computer)>(software to convert to dvd)>DVDR(?)

I understand that DVD extraction to audio is lossy ... and so a no-no (in my book). Is VHS>DVD lossy in anyway?

I searched the forums and the FAQs (I saw that there is a segment coming, but no FAQ currently available) but couldn't find anything.

Any help would be appreciated.
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