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Old 2007-11-08, 04:03 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Re: Comcast blocks my bit share ratio is suffering

Originally Posted by mahmut4
Dear U2 Lynne,

Could you elobrate about caping my download rate? Are you refering to the "sliding scale" at which I download/upload? I usually keep it open to the max. Are you saying if I decrease this, I can increase my uploading while I download?
I am referring to the sliding scale, but what I'm saying is that since most people have the sudden stop of uploading after they complete their download, if you make your download take longer, then you may upload for longer. So, if you limit the speed on your downloading to half of what it was, then it takes twice as long to download but you get to upload for twice as long before comcast limits your upload ability at the end of the download. I hope that makes better sense.
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