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Old 2008-05-15, 09:56 PM
scratchie scratchie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Re: Re-encoded digital video

Originally Posted by scratchie
Why does the same logic not apply to a digi broadcast?
Because, with an obscure 20-year-old videotape, the chances are pretty slim that there's an alternate source. With a current digital broadcast, there are, hypothetically, lots of different TTD members who could capture it. I hope this helps clear up your confusion.

Who says because it was aired last week that it was recorded in any format other than a standalone or that you will ever see it?
At some TV-oriented torrent sites, people plan in advance who is going to capture what show, so that the members know that they're going to get a high-quality capture. If sites that specialize in Xvid uploads can go to that trouble, why can't TTD?

In the end, all mpeg2's are lossy, so we might as well just close VBT until everything is being released as authored .avi & .ts on blu-ray.
Well excuse the fuck out of me for trying to propose a way of improving the overall quality of videos at a site which claims to value high standards of quality above all else.
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