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Old 2005-03-20, 11:44 PM
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Re: Batch Files - "How to" + Recipes (add 'em if you got 'em!)

Originally Posted by uhclem
I also meant to say that the reason many of the tracks are the exact same size before and after the fix is because the same amount of data have been snipped off the front of the track as has been added to the end of it. The tracks are, nevertheless, different, as the -fixed tells you.

One thing to be aware of though. If you use the -noskip argument, shntool will append -fixed to each track regardless of whether it was actually fixed or not. But the -noskip argument is only to be used when you are converting the files from one format to another while you are fixing them.
That was a question I had... do you need to change flac to wav when you fix? Or is it okay to fix it and keep it as a flac? (Not that I've even been able to achieve that, but if it's okay and possible I'd like to.)
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