Thread: upload speeds
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Old 2006-01-22, 01:05 AM
VTUrge311 VTUrge311 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: upload speeds

Most ISP's limit your upload and download speeds. You didn't mention who your ISP is and what kind of connection you have, but most people can download faster than they can upload. If you reach the max speed, there's nothing you can do to make it go any faster, unless you want to pay more money.

If you're asking this as a ratio question, the way to keep it above 1.00 is keep seeding the torrent after you finish downloading... leave the window open so more people can get the show and enjoy the music

If you have a broadband connection and are using a router to connect to the Internet, make sure you have your ports forwarded to ensure you get the best speeds possible. Check or search the forums for more information.
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