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Old 2007-03-14, 08:06 PM
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Sneaksox Sneaksox is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Colorado
Quality Difference Between avi/mpg for 2 cam-mix??

I read a bunch of archived threads but couldn't find one adressing this exact issue, so any insight/advice would be very much appreciated.

I have two individual .mpg2 video files (a stagnant cam and a zoom cam) and a .wav matrix audio file for a live concert.

I was wondering if I can just make a two-cam mix in Vegas with the .mpg2 files, or if I should find/capture the original .avi files and use those for the mixing?? I realize there will be some difference in quality between the two options, but I was wondering what the difference will be?? Is it worth the time to track-down and re-capture the DV tapes again??

Thanks in advance for any help/advice
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