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Old 2007-05-13, 12:18 PM
Re: software for making CD's out of Shn. and Flac 24 bit.

here is a better description of how to burn (I couldn't edit my last post)

once the wavs have been decoded, open Exact Audio Copy (use tools > write CD-R). Once you are in the CD layout editor drag and drop them one at a time into the window. go to layout > uncheck the "add 2 second gaps on append." name the files (triple left click on a track) if you want to write CD-text. you can also write artist, show date/album title by going layout > edit cd information. finally, go to CD-R > write CD. choose your speed, close cd, then burn. if you have trouble burning at a high speed, try a lower speed. I always burn at about 8X because I've heard this results in a deeper burn and longer lasting disc (but this may be a myth?)
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