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Old 2005-06-11, 12:59 AM
Ted Ted is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Re: Slow Downloads....

Ok, I found this for you. It'll tell you how to open ports in the Windows firewall. Something to consider also is that if you plan on opening more than one bitorrent client at a time, you'll need a seperate port for each client. So I suggest opening a few ports to save you the possible hassles of trying to figure out what's wrong later. Use ports 6881~6885 and you'll be able to open five clients simultaneously. I doubt you'll need to since I think Aureous allows mutliple torrents to be downloading at the same time. If it does, the only port you'll need is 6881.

Here are the directions for opening ports in the Windows XP firewall:

Open the 'Network Connections' folder (click Start, then Control Panel, then Network and Internet Connections, then Network Connections.)
Click the shared connection or the Internet connection that is protected by Internet Connection Firewall, and then, under Tasks, click Change settings of this connection.
On the Advanced tab, click Settings.
For each port you wish to forward, (i.e. 6881, 6882, ... 6889) do the following:

On the Services tab, click Add and enter all of the following information:
In Description of service, type an easily recognized name for the service, such as "BitTorrent".
In Name or IP address of the computer hosting this service on your network, enter (this means "the local machine.")
In both External and Internal port number for this service, enter the port number, e.g. 6881.
Select TCP, then OK.
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