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Old 2006-07-28, 03:57 PM
mysteryfunk mysteryfunk is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: .500 on most ttd uploads...

I've had something similar happening...
I will download a dvd (i use regular Bittorent client with no rules), then at some point (depending on number of seeders) i will stop the torrent so i can quickly burn a copy, and then i will start the torrent back up...many times (like today & yesterday) the torrent takes forever to kick back into the upload stream. yesterday, i started uploading/sharing the high sierra dvd when i left for work in the morning, and it took five hours before it actually started uploading, but then it ran smoothly at 50+/kbs. but of course i wish it had uploaded all day while i was gone...why the delay?????
today i started uploading/sharing the bill laswell dvd at 8am, and the same problem. Bittorrent identifies that i have the completed torrent on my machine and then it just sits there uploading 0.0 kbs all day so far. and right now the laswell dvd has 8 seeders (which i should be one) and 9 leechers, so my upload should be needed, right? wtf? suggestions?
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