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Old 2011-07-27, 02:27 AM
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paddington paddington is offline
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Location: UK
Re: Boosting Wifi Signal

Linksys makes an extender for your router... the most popular router on Earth for like 5 years.
It's here:

But - it's $145 and you still have only G (54Mb (22Mb avg after error correction) speeds... I'd get an N (at least twice as fast, up to 10x as fast) router with greater range. It'll be cheaper and more future-proof.
Not sure if the PS3 has an N radio in it, but you'll want the N standard for any furture Netflix-type streaming settop boxes you get (Apple TV comes with an N radio in it and works great with my N router streaming the 720p HD from Netflix). All N routers will connect to an older G device (and usually the old B & A types, too).

Check your distances to be sure, but for the same price as the old G extender, you can just replace the router with one of these N-types:

I'd probably get the E3200 because it has the Gb ports in the switch, dual-band N radio and is actually less $$$ than the G extender for your current router. The range will be better than the older unit you have (which I also had until about a year ago).

or, can you simply move the router closer to the center of the house or is that impractical?
"There are some of these recordings where it is just a whirring, and you cannot hear the music. " - Jimmy Page, 2007 / JUL / 26
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