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Old 2007-01-19, 05:33 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: a cold place
Re: tracker issues??

Yes, your bittorrent clients only 'announce' every 30 minutes (or they should if they are playing right), so the information listed on the Peers List can be 30 minutes old.

chewie, I just checked the four torrents you are on. You are uploading at 0, 5, 16, and 21, on the four torrents, so a total upload of 42. You are downloading at 100. That sounds pretty standard to me. You aren't uploading at all on the 0 one, because you are busy seeding the other shows and they are using your upload rate. If you wish to seed that show, then you need to cap the uploads on the other shows to allow some upload power for that show. That is up to you to determine, the tracker won't decide that for you.
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