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Old 2011-05-13, 07:36 AM
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Re: Questions about Superseeding

Originally Posted by rspencer View Post
In practice, it's not always faster.
No it might not be faster (in time), but like you said it will seed each block only once (in principal). So in order to upload a torrent of let's say 1GB, you will upload only 1GB of data (may be a little bit more) in order to get the torrent seeded. So if you are worried about the amount of data you upload (when there is a cap for example) you should use this feature.
If you don't use the super-seeding feature the amount of data needed to get the torrent seeded will be (much) more than 1GB. In this case a block can be send to multiple leechers. The speed of super seeding depends on the amount of leechers, their upload speed to other leechers, if a leech is firewalled or not, etc.

This is how I use the super seeding feature. When I start uploading a torrent I am not using the super seeding feature. Only when there are more leechers connecting (10 or so) I set it to super seeding. Besides the super seeding I also use an ip blocker. Leechers who are firewalled and the ones with a lousy ratio I block. They are the ones that bring the overall speed down.
Dubbin' is a must. Strictly add music!
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