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Old 2008-01-28, 04:16 PM
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Re: Upload : Download ratio

Originally Posted by igor stravinsky View Post

I'm very new to this torrent thing, and I'm absolutely loving this site, so big thank you to all involved

Anyway, I assume if I share a file, I'm a seeder and when I download one I'm a leecher...... yes/no?? (Yes, I really am that ignorant, but that's what I think I know thus far)

Now, my question. Where can I find my seeded:leeched ratio. Is it the blue/green/red number under my name?? If so, should I be happy with 62% as I don't want to be a leech in the truest sense of the word

Everytime I download something from here I leave it up for others for a few weeks, but then I have to take it down to make room on my hard drive (a problem I'll be addressing v-soon). Is this about the best way to do it or can you suggest a better way to contribute??

First question, first post actually, so go easy on the newby.

Here is our glossary on commonly used terms here:

Yes, those colored numbers are your ratio. Should you be happy with 62%? Well, it means you have shared back 62% of what you have downloaded. Most people try to achive a 1.0 ratio, if possible. And, some people love to point out to others when their ratio is less than 1.0.

And yes, what you want to do is leave your window open as long as possible until you have to archive the show. Some people buy tons of external drives so they can store their shows longer and share for longer, but that really depends on what you are able to do. Some people choose to offer B&Ps or offer shows through Vines. We have forums for each of those here also.
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