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Old 2005-08-10, 03:03 PM
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Re: Standards for Naming Torrent Folders

Originally Posted by freezer

I speak from a perspective of history in the collector's world, you speak like a computer programmer.........

What motivates you to want collectors to follow your 'suggestions', hmmm????

You haven't looked at my list because you weren't invited to do so.

Who told you you deserve to have that right? I haven't seen your list, but I haven't felt the need to do that either. What do you wanna bet that you have shows I recorded on your list? Maybe with bogus lineage?

"My life's work?" again I say to you, "......... and the horse you rode in on....."

To try to compartmentalize someone who has lived longer than you and done more for YOUR hobby than you are even willing to do smacks of immaturity on you part.
Without computer programmers you tapers would still be trading in your smug little elite trading circles, hoarding and feeding the booters who would still be charging the rest of us $40/show for their degraded crap.

Do you even know who RMS is? Vinton Cerf? Bram Cohen?

Your ability to reach so many people and touch them with your work comes from riding on the backs of these guys, and you don't even know it. That smacks of ignorance on your part.

And these guys did far more for music lovers and show collectors around the world then any group of tapers, even a superstar taper from the '70's.
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