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Old 2010-12-11, 05:09 PM
Egg_Crisis Egg_Crisis is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Question about weird looking wave

Both screenshots represent the same piece of audio, both are ripped from the same boot by two different people. It represents the end of one song, some audience sounds then the start of the next song.

This first one is how the wave should look when ripped properly...

The second one has had the levels increased, but it's not simply been normalised - you can see the audience bit has somehow been boosted to maximum volume so the entire wave is one messy splodge of horribleness.

Question: How would someone have made the wave look like this?

Is there a setting on some cd ripping programs that through a users incompetence could accidentally make the wave look like this, or is it more likely the audio has been deliberately & maliciously destroyed?
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