Thread: EAC for Mac
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Old 2006-02-16, 04:06 AM
ffooky ffooky is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: EAC for Mac

If you have a drive that caches audio (here's an old list of features that may include your drive) which is very likely as most modern units do, then you will not be able to make full use of the error correction routines within cdparanoia or cdda2wav w/lib paranoia that the best OS X rippers, xACT & Max, use.

Assuming your drive does indeed cache audio, the best policy is to make multiple rips with the above apps and compare checksums. If they match then that's the best you can do and is highly likely to mean that your rip is OK. I'd recommend xACT over Max purely because its log is much, much easier to read and will quickly alert you to any problems. I also think Max's GUI is a dog's breakfast but that's just my prejudice

EAC will run extremely well under Virtual PC and that's currently the only way to achieve 100% secure rips though the situation is bound to improve.
Two tracks for a desert island:

Black Keys - I Got Mine
Tintern Abbey - Vacuum Cleaner

Last edited by ffooky; 2006-02-16 at 04:16 AM.
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